X-Files - Série 1

États-Unis / Canada, (1993–1994), 18 h 9 min (Durée : 43–48 min)


Chris Carter


Mark Snow


David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Jerry Hardin, William B. Davis, Doug Hutchison, Charles Cioffi, Henry Beckman, Doug Abrahams, Cliff De Young (plus)
(autres professions)



Fox Mulder et Dana Scully, agents du FBI, travaillent ensemble sur des dossiers dits « X », des affaires non-résolues dont la plupart ont attrait au paranormal. (Canal+)

Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais Pilot 4/5;; Deep Throat 2/5: Cheap and boring introduction to the mythology of X Files. Squeeze 5/5 I like to move it, move it, he likes to move it move it. Conduit 4/5: The first hint of a much-frequented "kidnapping" topic later on. Unlike most of them, however, well executed. The Jersey Devil 3/5: The creators were able to take advantage of an interesting theme only at the beginning and at the end. It´s an average episode that could (and should) have been much better and shorter. Shadows 3/5: Psychokinesis deserves a better entrée on stage. Routine episode. Ghost in the Machine 2/5: Very weak, and even ridiculous over time, variation on a machine with own brains. Boring. Ice 5/5: "We're not who we are..." Or it another words how it turns out when you shoot a variation on Thing in the setting of X Files. Simply brilliant. Space 3/5It could have been an excellent episode if the director hadn't approached the supernatural elements in a such ridiculous way. Fallen Angel 4/5: Mulder vs. Army, exploring the site of a possible landing of "you-know-what". Eve 5/5: "We just knew..."Fire 4/5If an arsonist has a style it´s is a joy to watch him working. Beyond the Sea 5/5 If Dana and Fox swap their usual roles, if you give them brilliant Brad Douriff as their adversary and if you back everything by a great script, it just can't be a bad episode. This one is one of the greatest highlights of the whole X Files. Gender Bender 4/5: This one is one of the absolute highlights of the whole of X Files. (S)He is the ultimate aphrodisiac that leaves only corpses behind. Good topic, but it should have been more ambiguous. Lazarus 3/5: Swapping bodies/souls. Interesting topic, but only mediocre execution. It would have been better without the supernatural. Young at Heart 3/5: Average and easy to forget episode in all respects. E.B.E. 5/5: "I'm wondering which lie to believe." The creators, unlike many other episodes, have followed the golden rule that says that the viewer is most interested in what remains hidden. Miracle Man 4/5: Praise the Lord! Shapes 3/5: Native American legends about lycanthropy, Native American reservations, and a ranch in the mountains. The first half is great, but at the end the atmosphere disappears. Darkness Falls 5/5: The episodes where Scully and Mulder are cut off from the world in a hopeless situation have always been the showpiece of X Files.This one is probably the best of them. Atmospheric peak of the first series. Plus the exceptional finish. Tooms 5/5: From the title it's clear who is this episode about. As with the first meeting, Eugene Tooms is charismatic. Extremely. Assistant of the FBI Director Walter Skinner appears here for the first time. Born Again 4/5: Good topic, excellent opening half, but then it all gets fragmented into a predictable mediocre movie. Roland 3/5: Another of the episodes where the supernatural storyline is rather detrimental to it. The Erlenmeyer Flask 4/5: The final scene should close one chapter, but at the same time make viewers want to watch more. That worked, especially in the final quarter hour. () (moins) (plus)

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