Young Black Jack

  • Japon ヤング ブラック・ジャック (plus)
Japon, 2015, 4 h 48 min (Durée : 24 min)


Osamu Tezuka (bande dessinée), Yoshiaki Tabata (bande dessinée)


Kazumasa Someya


Yūichirō Umehara, Shizuka Itō, Kōji Yusa, Lynn, Jun'ichi Suwabe, Mamoru Miyano, Aoi Yūki, Daisuke Hirakawa, Hikaru Midorikawa, Akio Ōtsuka (plus)
(autres professions)



En 1968, le monde est secoué par les révolutions étudiantes et la guerre au Vietnam. Hazama Kurô, un jeune homme prometteur intègre une école de médecine japonaise où son talent ne tarde pas à être reconnu de tous, mais l’anticonformisme du jeune homme l’entraine dans des situations délicates et imprévisibles. (ADN)

Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The story of how the divine martyr Hazama becomes the best doctor of the underworld amidst paraded moralizing. Our poor protagonist has been through hell, so he knows how the world works and can impart his life wisdom and make everyone into better people. If that's not enough verbally, he can always stitch or sew them up, because in the words of his "older colleague", he's just quick! In the end, you don't get anything out of the series except a needle and thread. You have some of that sixties background, you have a saintly central character who doesn't screw up and still goes after his dream of becoming a great licensed doctor, then you have some irrelevant supporting characters who are in the show to force Hazama into illegal stitching. So in the end you have cross stitch embroidery, which I'm sure also has a lot of deep thoughts and a touching story, you just have to look and dig very hard to find it. They must have meant it that way. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Young Black Jack is an anime series set in the world of medicine following a medical student becoming a surgeon and trying to teach the audience some moral lessons. However, the problem for me is that I do not find it very believable. I already spoilered one piece of nonsense I noticed in the first episode, and now after the second episode, it seems to me that the nonsense continues. How can I believe a show about a surgeon with so many logical errors and things I cannot believe? I cannot do that. If it were all just some stupid joke, then perhaps I could, however, it takes itself very seriously. Plus, how can you have an anime series about surgery without any actual surgery in it? In the first episode, they did not show anything interesting regarding the surgery, and in the second, they did not show any surgery at all! Plus, the conclusion of the second episode was one big load of crap. So I am not going to waste my time with this anymore. Dropped after the second episode. ()