
Franck Serpico est un policier new-yorkais qui s’est spécialisé dans les enquêtes de terrain. Toujours habillé en civil, il se fond dans la masse des marginaux et des hippies. Droit et intransigeant devant la corruption de ses pairs, il ne tarde pas à se faire des ennemis dans son propre camp. (LaCinetek)

Vidéo (1)


Critiques (9)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Serpico is a concept in and of itself and originally, I gave it four stars. But when I watched it again years later, I couldn't find a single reason to defend those stars. Al Pacino is decent, but he has acted much more prominently in many other films and here, he delivers only his usual average. The direction, in my opinion, is also average and the script doesn't contain anything groundbreaking either. So, what remains is the topic of corruption, but that is not a reason to rate it any higher. Overall impression: 60%. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais An ode to the character of Al Pacino, and by extension, his captivating performance in the lead role. His cop portrays one of the most tenacious guardians of the law in the history of the silver screen, and it’s definitely worth watching. Unfortunately, major technical errors and deficiencies and the simplicity and straightforwardness of the screenplay bring down the film to an average level. The blatantly botched editing work in the faster-paced scenes, coupled with the insane artificial blood, will not exactly uplift the viewer. Nevertheless, it is difficult to be too angry at this legend. Al is a great likable character and practically carries the film all on his own. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A straight cop, Serpico, fighting against crooked individuals and a distorted system. This is the kind of whistleblowing where someone standing against you would also like to blow, but into the smoke rising from the barrel. The one-third of the film dedicated to exposition brilliantly focuses on sketching the profile of the main character in short scenes, from moral principles to family ties. In the second half, it tends to get a bit cyclical, but Pacino's character, quixotically cleaning up New York's police world, won’t let his solo be taken away (notably, the scenes were not filmed chronologically, and the beard and hair were gradually trimmed). This is what happens when someone, in preparation for a role, rides around at night with police patrols, interviews their real-life counterpart at a summer residence, and tries to arrest truck drivers when their exhaust is smoking too much. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Frank Serpico engages in a fight against windmills in the shape of police corruption. Lumet’s sure direction and the well-written screenplay form a firm foundation for the main asset that takes Serpico almost to the highest of heights. That asset is the one-man show delivered by the young Al Pacino. Of course, this is occasionally needlessly over the top, at the expense of the other interesting characters, motifs and storylines. As a movie - excellent, as a gala performance by Pacino - fascinating and, as a whole, rightly a police classic. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A riveting picture with the wonderful Al Pacino as Frank Serpico, a cop who wasn’t afraid to stand up against his colleagues. Everybody made fun of him, despised him, threatened him and even wanted to kill him. He ruined his life fighting for good and what did he get in return? Nothing. Sidney Lumet really nails the corruption-ridden atmosphere of the movie, maintains suspense, keeping you right inside the story. I especially appreciate however honest Serpico is, he also has faults and certainly isn't perfect, but he’s a regular guy who wants to do the right thing. ()

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