
When a daring heist brings together the FBI's top profiler (Dwayne Johnson) and two rival criminals (Gal Gadot and Ryan Reynolds), anything can happen. (Netflix)

Vidéo (24)

Bande-annonce 11

Critiques (15)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Un petit film agréable de type action-comédie avec un trio central sympathique. Les trois me plaisent beaucoup, donc je ne pouvais pas trouver ça mauvais. Gal Gadot nous a encore servi son charme, The Rock un angle psychologique de sa personnalité :-) et Ryan Reynolds un petit escroc amusant. On y trouve quantité de destinations visuellement charmeuses, une bonne dose d’action et de l’humour cinglant. La suite est sur le point d’arriver et avec le tournage dans ma ville préférée, je ne peux pas la laisser passer ! ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Incroyablement formaté et sans originalité, une routine ennuyeusement inoffensive avec un scénario digne d'un long métrage de Tom et Jerry… s'essayant à des retournements à la Usual Suspects. Comme le dit Reynolds : « Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce bordel ?! » Ses répliques sont les seuls moments lumineux du film. Même Jungle Cruise était plus inventif et enchanteur. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Netflix calculated how to make a hit: take a lot of money, put in famous faces, come up with an uncomplicated story, and cram something in there for everyone, ideally in a way that the result won't turn anyone off, regardless of age or whether they want action, adventure, humor, exotic locations, or basically anything. The result is Red Notice. Dwayne Johnson scowls and occasionally punches someone, Ryan Reynolds talks and pisses Johnson off, and Gal Gadot looks good while sadly confirming that her acting talent is more suited for photos or silent films. And overall? Overall, it doesn't offend, it doesn't surprise, it passes pleasantly in the first half and drags in the second, and when there's a problem somewhere, Netflix throws a few million dollars at it and routinist Rawson Marshall Thurbert pulls it all together into something that's about two hours long, with a beginning, middle and end, and everyone will watch it anyway because we're just curious about the actors, right? And then we all forget about it in an hour. I get what Netflix was going for and I respect that they did it, but I'm certainly not going to settle for this uninteresting routine and I'm not going to praise it. It's like it was all made by a machine that figured out what people probably want to see and served it up to them. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais At first, I was all in — caught up in the hype and craving some good old-fashioned adventure. I even slapped four stars on it right away. But then, after a restless night, I started to realize why this film felt so... sterile. Sure, Netflix’s most expensive film to date made a massive splash globally, but that’s mostly thanks to the star power of The Rock and Ryan Reynolds, who are undeniably huge draws right now. The problem is, despite the big-budget tag, the film doesn't really feel like it. The action is nothing spectacular, and even though the story hops around the globe, most of it plays out in generic interiors. It’s like Reynolds is whistling Indy’s tune, but the film never quite hits that adventurous stride. And just when you think it might finally deliver some of that classic archaeological thrill that movies like this need, the plot takes a few wild turns that are more nauseating than exciting. Still, I have to admit, despite all that, Red Notice is pure fun — cheesy, superficial, and more about the banter between The Rock and Ryan Reynolds than anything else. It’s perfect if you just want to turn your brain off and enjoy watching two of the biggest action-comedy stars of the moment. ()

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