On Her Shoulders

  • Grande-Bretagne On Her Shoulders
États-Unis, 2018, 94 min


Alexandria Bombach


Alexandria Bombach


Patrick Jonsson


Nadia Murad
(autres professions)


Mobbed by iPhone cameras and pushy reporters, 23-year-old Nadia Murad leads a harrowing but vital crusade: to find the most influential platforms in the world and speak out on behalf of the embattled Yazidi community who face mass extermination by ISIS militants. Having narrowly escaped with her own life, Nadia must now relentlessly recount on radio shows, at rallies, and even on the floor of the United Nation’s general assembly her ordeal as a Yazidi sex slave and witness to her family’s brutal killings. Though excruciating, she forces herself to revisit these realities again and again. For without her testimony, the genocide happening right in front of the world’s eyes might go completely unnoticed. (Sundance Film Festival)


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