
Masaru Kato died by an accident in which he was unintentionally involved. Surprisingly enough, he wakes up in a room he has never seen. There, he meets the members of the so-called "Team Tokyo," whose leader, Kurono, had just died. Together with Team Tokyo, Masaru is then transferred to Osaka City, a city surrounded by an ocean of fire. Now Masaru is involved in a life and death surviving game: he encounters the rival team, "Team Osaka," whose members are a bunch of crooks; he battles with aliens; he meets Anzu Yamasaki, a single-mother and a Team Osaka member. At the mercy of various incidents, Kato keeps fighting just to get home to his brother, his only family. (Venice International Film Festival)


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Critiques (4)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I was surprised at how good this was. I don't just mean the visual aspect, although that is quite stunning, but I'm more referring to how excellently they managed to adapt the manga into a 3D form while still making the individual characters recognizable. In terms of plot, it closely resembles the manga, so there's a lot of action and the story isn't anything special, but it works, unlike other Gantz films. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Incredible blast and a new favourite! This is more or less a film tailor-made movie. An ideal 90 minutes running time, action from start to finish, gore, monsters and breathtaking visuals, what more could you want. The story follows the main character, he is brutally murdered on the subway and wakes up in a sort of alternate reality/afterlife controlled by the computer Gantz, which outlines the rules of the game that is about to begin. So a group of people are sent out at night into the streets of the Japanese city of Osaka, where all sorts of monsters are running amok and the task is to survive and kill as many as possible. The plot is interesting if simple at the core, but thankfully that's not the point, because everything else is utter mayhem! The whole movie is in amazing CGI 3D Animation (kind of like Alita) and I can't remember a better CGI movie than this. Since it's not real, the imagination of the makers knows no bounds and they can more or less afford anything they want. I mean, all the women run around in latex and have nice firm tits, there are cool and inventive weapons, there’s plenty of gore, blood flowing in a stream through the streets of Osaka, and the monsters... Bugger me! I have no words. When the writer asked the director what kind of monsters he wanted in the film, the answer must have been “all of them!” There are about a hundred kinds of crazy monsters, it boggled my mind. The monster made up of naked female bodies is really freaky, but it looked gorgeous. Fans of games, action, violence and monsters will find their way here and there will be more than one orgasm while watching it, I can guarantee it. Story***, Action*****, Humor>No, Violence*****, Entertainment*****, Music****, Visuals*****, Atmosphere****, Suspense***. 9/10. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It's very clever script-wise, because creating a world without rules, where literally anything can happen and there’s no need to follow any guidelines, is what everyone would want. Story-wise, the film has nothing to stand on, it relies purely on non-stop action, timeless futuristic visuals and monsters that die like on a treadmill. The biggest draw of the film are clearly the monsters, a crossbreed of the best of ScoobyDoo, Cabin in the Woods (take this with a grain of salt...) and other never-before-seen scenes that perhaps they must have thought of when they were high, because I certainly didn't expect such visual bizarreness, I think everyone will be surprised here. It's just a pity that the film couldn’t avoid the annoying and infantile kawaii characters that Asians are so fond of cramming into most of their work. Anyway, the film loses its breath a bit towards the end as it starts to get repetitive but doesn't add anything new. Fine for Asian fantasy fans, regular viewers will drool over the visuals and move on. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Gantz:0 is definitely not the big mess I was expecting after my experience with the anime series. Some old familiar characters returned, so I was happy in that respect as well. In particular, Kato's performance is much better than in the anime series, and you could even consider him a truly admirable main male protagonist at times. He may still have that savior complex that puts him and many others in constant danger. However, it does not come across as so stupid anymore. In fact, I would say it is quite the opposite. Otherwise, the show is still the same sick, twisted action-packed kill-fest that does not mess with the formula much, with blood spurting everywhere by the hectoliter, limbs flying through the air, and heads exploding. It is just a nice little distraction. There are a couple of classic Japanese "matters", for example, because fights between giant robots and monsters always look spectacular - well, for some people. Again, there were a couple of moments where the logic was baffling, and I had to stop thinking about it because my brain hurt immediately. However, it is quite a roller coaster ride, although the pacing is quite rushed at times. Despite that, it is still quite interesting and even original. The designs of the aliens are varied, and I quite liked them. The second appearance of the final boss almost knocked me out of my chair. In addition, the animation was passable, and I liked the soundtrack. In my opinion, this is worth 7/10. ()

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