The Celluloid Closet

  • Allemagne Gefangen in der Traumfabrik – The Celluloid Closet


L'homosexualite vue a travers cent ans de cinema hollywoodien. Pour les auteurs "The Celluloid Closet" montre comment notre attitude envers l'homosexualite et notre perception des roles des deux sexes ont evolue au cours de ce siecle. (texte officiel du distributeur)

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Critiques (1)


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anglais An absolutely amazing documentary about the portrayal of homosexuality in films both famous and lesser known, which gave me a lot of new insights, especially about the workings of censorship and the fight against it. The various excerpts from the films are interspersed with testimonials from actors, actresses, writers, directors and many others. In short, a nicely spent hundred minutes that enriched me. ()