Ma vie de courgette

  • Suisse Mein Leben als Zucchini (plus)
Bande-annonce 3


Courgette n'a rien d'un légume, c'est un vaillant petit garçon. Il croit qu'il est seul au monde quand il perd sa mère. Mais c'est sans compter sur les rencontres qu'il va faire dans sa nouvelle vie au foyer pour enfants. Simon, Ahmed, Jujube, Alice et Béatrice : ils ont tous leurs histoires et elles sont aussi dures qu'ils sont tendres. Et puis il y a cette fille, Camille. Quand on a 10 ans, avoir une bande de copains, tomber amoureux, il y en a des choses à découvrir et à apprendre. Et pourquoi pas même, être heureux. (Gebeka Films)


Vidéo (19)

Bande-annonce 3

Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais First of all, My Life as a Courgette is a great film to watch just for the animation. It’s just beautiful in how different, distinctive, and special it is in its graphic design. It's also great to watch it because it's great to see that you can use animation to tell slightly grittier stories. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I will probably remember the hesitant faces of mothers with little children when I think of this film, who for some reason believe that every animated movie must be adapted for the youngest audience, and then they are confronted with mentions of the teacher's penis, who is fooling around with the teacher's assistant, or very unpleasant memories of children from the orphanage about the death of their parents. My Life as a Courgette has evoked very conflicting impressions in me and I can't fully agree with the very positive rating on FilmBooster. On one hand, I appreciate the unpleasing artistic side that deviates from the mainstream and would be more suitable for a horror movie with its disturbing impression, and the subject matter appeals to me. On the other hand, the obviously exaggerated naivety bothers me, which would be more suitable for the thinking of preschool children, as well as the overall idyllic nature of the screenplay. Even the seemingly mischievous boy among the institutionalized children is actually a conscious and kind boy who would warm your heart, the institution's staff and the detective are examples of nobility, and evil is trivialized. My Life as a Courgette wants to move and comfort me in my life, which I don't blame it for, but at the same time I point out that it's not completely my cup of tea. Overall impression: 55%. ()


Photos (326)