17 ans, sérieusement ?

  • États-Unis The Edge of Seventeen (plus)
Bande-annonce 2


Arrivée à l'âge déroutant de 17 ans, Nadine n'est pas ce qu'on peut appeler une fille populaire. Contrairement à son parfait frère Darian, qu'elle déteste, Nadine est plutôt du style original et introvertie. Heureusement, elle a sa meilleure amie Krista... jusqu'au jour où elle apprend que celle-ci sort avec Darian. Se retrouvant toute seule et ayant pour unique confident son professeur d'histoire, un être cynique et amer, Nadine doit apprendre à survivre dans un monde qu'elle ne comprend pas. Mais comment y arriver sans Krista ? (Audio Ciné Films Inc.)


Vidéo (9)

Bande-annonce 2

Critiques (5)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais As I sat down to watch this film, I was expecting to rate this as slightly above-average at most. Once again, I was in for a pleasant surprise. Nadine didn't seem like such a bitch. Well, she was often in dire need of a straitjacket, but I don't think she was the only one. Her mom should also have the instruction "Shake before use!" written on her forehead, but never mind. Anyway, I'm glad the main character wasn't just a straight-out moron, so typical of films like these. It was mainly about the protagonist's adolescence but I had fun, even though I may be a bit time-worn, and the last time I checked, I was definitely not a little girl. I must also highlight the perfect performance of Woody Harrelson, who isn't a favorite actor of mine, so you can tell I really mean it. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais If it weren't for Woody Harrelson, I really wouldn't have a reason to remember a movie like this one. It was okay, it was nice to watch, but there were already half a dozen movies like this and it’s hard to tell them apart sometimes. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I ignored the film at first, but on the recommendation of a friend I gave it a chance and am in mute amazement at how perfect it was. For me one of the best coming of age movies of all time. Hailee Steinfeld deserves an Oscar, because there couldn't be a better portrayal of a petulant teenager who is ignored by her suicidal surroundings. On top of that, a perfect Woody Harrelson, a bit of wit, lots of nostalgia from his youth and strong emotions accompany the whole film. I watched it till 3am as if I had drunk 5 Red Bulls. A clear 5 stars. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It is difficult to live the life of teenagers, when the whole world is (exclusively and only) against you. Siblings are morons, parents are even bigger morons and no one understands you, including yourself. You don't understand how someone might possibly like you, so you don't like anyone around you and yourself the most. Yes, Nadine is a self-centered bitch par excellence that would deserve to learn her lesson, but thanks to Hailee and her undeniable charisma, you care for her and you even quite like her, which, given the above, is a bit of a miracle. Yes, it's all too much according to the routine pattern of similar films about adolescence, but thanks to Fremon´s polished and biting dialogs, which excel mainly (but not only) in verbal skirmishes with Woody's teacher. No, it is not a modern classic movie, but on the other hand, we have not seen such a good movie in this (sub) genre for a long time. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The best possible way to make a movie about a typical teenager who thinks her problems are the worst in the world, everybody else is doing much better and no one understands her or cares about her. I can see why some people consider the main character annoying or even unrelatable, but I don't, because I get this type of attitude, jokes and behavior in general, especially when it comes to ironic, sarcastic or over-the-top crude humor. I do realize there are certain boundaries, and I don’t make such a big deal out of everything like the main character, but as I said, I can relate to her. In addition, Hailee Steinfeld did an excellent job and I'm really looking forward to seeing her next movies. Over her few years in Hollywood, her Oscar and Golden Globe nominations didn't just fall from the sky, she simply has it in her. Hopefully she will steer clear of B-movie flops and keep appearing in similarly ambitious movies. Even the rest of the young actors fell perfectly into their roles and it was a real pleasure to watch. But what definitely turned this into an excellent movie was casting Woody Harrelson, who savors each and every moment of playing a teacher/mentor who just couldn’t care less about the whole school. If you want to have a fun, feel-good movie night, you can’t go wrong with this one. ()

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