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Le jour de son mariage, la princesse Mia est enlevée par un gigantesque Dragon qui l’emmène sur une île perdue au milieu de l’océan. A son réveil, elle fait la rencontre d’un jeune naufragé qui la met en garde : le jour, il n’y a rien à craindre, mais dès la nuit tombée le Dragon revient dans son repère. Troublée par le magnétisme du garçon, elle s’abandonne peu à peu à l’étrange atmosphère du lieu. Jusqu’au jour où le jeune homme lui fait une terrible révélation… (Condor)


Critiques (5)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The story started off really well, it had a good pace and I was already seeing it as a minimum of four stars, and suddenly the great fairytale turned into Blue Lagoon, dragging at a snail's pace, while the main couple wandered around the remains of their ancestor and had existential conversations that bored me. The ending of the movie tied in with its beginning, so why was the middle part so terribly dull? After the end credits, I would have rated the film 2 stars, but considering the Czech horrors I have been exposed to in the last two days, I raised the rating to 3 stars. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The Russian version of of the story of the Beauty and the Beast, or a fairy tale about how a dashing girl rode a fire-breathing dragon. The film has beautiful visuals (I was intrigued by the "dragon island" as a giant skeleton, and I liked the production design overall) and is accompanied by an unmissable musical score. The story had some flaws, and I'm a little disappointed that the makers didn't go into more depth – the relationship between Arman and Mira was nicely portrayed, but it didn't grab me by the "heart" as much as I would have expected. All in all, a better three stars ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The beginning of the movie is like a fulfilled dream of every fantasy lover. A beautiful opening scene, emotional music, picturesque landscape shots and even more beautiful animated sequences. The introduction to this fantasy world in the spiritofthe Viking mythology was exceptional. But after a while the movie turned into an overly emotional romance like from the Twilight only with a dragon instead of a vampire. The movie ends up as a quite decent movie. Then it becomes an intimate film with only two characters where the Russian actor is constantly shirtless to show his six-pack and the Russian actress is constantly captured from such angles that show her most attractive features including her graceful legs. The whole movie is megalomaniac in a traditionally Russian way and the only thing that was interesting to me was the visual aspect and great shots of the nature. I appreciate this Russian attempt to produce a fantasy movie but if they want to shoot an intimate fantasy they should cut on the hubris. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Here's the terrible pity that it's actually just a fairly unoriginal romantic story. What makes the film really interesting is the visuals, which are simply beautiful. You don't see special effects this good outside American productions that often, especially paired with beautiful shots where you can feel the artistic talent. But that's not enough to make a great movie. Visually beautiful, but it’s better not to pay too much attention to the story. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais As other reviewers have written, let us call a spade a spade so - How to train your dragon during Twilight in the Blue Lagoon? There is not enough of the fantasy element, hardly any drama, and way too much of the love story. What did I take away? I took away the fact that if the main female protagonist had taken him out with that rock, she would have never seen the wind... How very poetic! Anyway, the CGI dragon was quite good and the beautiful skeleton of an ancient dragon that was the island was also a delight... All in all, it is a very strange movie. Would I give it another go? Probably not... Why not? Well, because I thought that the love story was just not very good, and I would also have to say that the best character in this movie was the cute little animal that lived on the island with the dragon and which the main female protagonist also want to hit with a rock...  5/10. ()

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