Le Fils de Batman

  • États-Unis Son of Batman


Avec le soutien de son fils, Batman va pouvoir affronter dans les règles de l'art le terrible Deathstoke ainsi que La Ligue des Ombres. (Orange Cinéma Séries)

Vidéo (1)


Critiques (3)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I don't like the comic book source material, and this animated adaptation didn't really impress me significantly either. It still lacks any charm that Morrison's film had. Not that it was a huge charm, but Morrison's approach is specific nonetheless. Japanese animation still doesn't fit well with it. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The first part of this three-part series was quite good, but there are many things that could have been improved. The story itself was interesting, as I had no idea Batman had a son (I don’t read comics much). I also like that even animated films are no longer just aimed at younger audiences, as older viewers can enjoy them as well. The film certainly doesn’t hold back on blood and brutality. Some scenes felt boring, and overall, Son of Batman doesn’t offer many action moments, which is a big drawback. I hope the next parts will be better. Still, it wasn’t bad entertainment, and I give it 65%. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Just five minutes of shared custody of this bratty little monster who would drive Batman to wring his neck, never mind his “no weapons, no dead" policy. Twice over. No wonder his mother refused to recognize him at the end. But regardless of his dear son it’s “sort of weird". Dozens of dead, gallons of blood, poked out eyes, kids crucified... It’s simply a little too uncompromising for the world of DC (and other) comic book movies, but at the same time slap dash and cheaply extolling American values. But thanks to solid and frequent action, there’s no time to get bored. At least I can say that. ()

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