
  • France Dumbo, l´éléphant volant (titre de festival) (plus)


Dôté d’oreilles démesurées, Dumbo, un jeune éléphant, est la risée du cirque itinérant auquel il appartient. Trouvant réconfort auprès d’une souris qui s’avèrera être une fidèle alliée, le jeune pachyderme réussira à faire de son handicap son principal atout. (LaCinetek)

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Critiques (5)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I've known the story of the little elephant with oversized ears since I was a kid, but it's only now that I've seen the movie version of this Disney classic. Even though I have grown out of fairy tales for the little ones, I was still very impressed by several scenes, like the collapse of the elephant pyramid or the drunken dream. In addition, some scenes were properly scary, so even older viewers will enjoy them. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Let's face it, the story is quite formulaic, but individual scenes are well-developed, especially the alcohol sequence which is incredibly imaginative. It was during that scene that I realized it wasn't the first time I'd seen the film. Strongly amplified emotions, as expected from Disney, but also well-written characters that elevate the classic storyline. Regardless of Walt Disney Studios' politics, they simply have fairy tales that are worth it. And this is one of them. Moreover, the way the elephants behave adds a significant strength to Disney's animated fairy tale. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Weak. While I love the Disney classics and tolerate their orientation towards a child audience, Dumbo disappointed me both from the perspective of the child who tried hard to hold on to it and from the perspective of the more mature movie fan for whom cute characters, cheerful songs and a basic story just aren't enough to make them happy. Thank God it only lasted 60 minutes. 60% ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais If Dumbo had been a bit longer and all the flying from the final montage had been given more space, I would have given it four clear stars. This way it's three and a half satisfied stars. I give them mainly for the amazing scene with dancing elephants, for the excellent crows, for the parody-dramatic beginning of the song about storks and for the sensational duo of a small mute elephant and an even smaller, talkative and damn cute mouse. However, the biggest negative is the incredibly infantile live locomotive, even by Disney standards. ()

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