
Une jeune et belle jeune fille nommée Nastenka souffre à cause de sa belle-mère grincheuse. Nastenka fait le ménage, coupe du bois, apporte de l'eau, cuisine… mais rien ne satisfait la mégère. Cette dernière se lance dans l’organisation du mariage de sa propre fille laide… Mais la belle Nastenka va troubler ses plans. (Orange)

Critiques (7)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I have always liked East Slavic fairy tales influenced by Byzantine and Tatar-Mongol influences, and it's a shame that so few good movies have been made based on their motifs. During the Soviet Union era, there were mostly building films, today there is a lack of money, enlightened producers, and a social demand for their production. In its time, this film was something like a revelation among the Soviet non-consumable film productions. Many quotes from the fairy tale have become popular, and I still consider it to be more than acceptable and a funny cinematic spectacle. Overall impression: 80% - considering a bit of nostalgia. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais 95% of the fame of this fairy tale is thanks to the dubbing which is so genius that it turned an ordinary Russian fairy tale into such an experience that we need to revisit it every New Yearsʼ Eve. For peace in our nation. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The excellent Georgij Milljar as Baba Yaga and great music, but I think that without one of the best Czechoslovak dubs (which also translated the dialogues into verse), even Ťapka would not have been able to achieve Frosty today. The Russians wonder what we see in Frosty. I wonder if they know that we made it really watchable. ()

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