
Six personnes se retrouvent à leur réveil enfermées dans une prison étrange, des cubes métalliques assemblés les uns aux autres mais dont certains passages recèlent des pièges mortels. La sortie est proche mais le chemin pour y parvenir, tellement dangereux... (Metropolitan FilmExport)

Critiques (7)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais At first, it's very likable and imaginative, but over time, it becomes more and more nonsensical and exaggerated. The characters often fall into pseudo-analysis of each other against the backdrop of a recent terrifying experience that stop being believable the second time around and major personality shifts happen almost from minute to minute. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the ignorance of practically all the characters, which is also the ignorance of the audience. The sudden surprise that can hide in any room is taken to an absolute peak here, which is slightly ruined by increasingly complicated math games. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I suddenly fancied rewatching a film that I remembered as excellent and original sci-fi horror and I was quite unpleasantly surprised. Cube is undoubtedly original, but the transition of that premise to the screen was not painless. The script tries to work with the psychology of the characters, but without much success. Actually, the bullshit it forces the characters to say is something I hadn’t seen in a long time. And on top of that, the actors are really awful (the black cop is so bad that it was funny). It was a real disappointment the second time around, the points are mostly for the idea and the atmosphere. 7/10 ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Criminally squandered potential. The beginning was amazing and I was really into it; and I don't just mean the first scene and the spectacular dismemberment of a human body, but the overall introduction to the concept of the mysterious cube, the trapped characters and the desperate situation they find themselves in. But then the director lets it run too freely, lets the characters talk too much and somehow forgets about the obligations that the idea of a death cube brings with it. I appreciate the attempt at some psychology and outlining the relationships between the victims, but: firstly, it only hinders this type of story, and secondly, any viewer at least a little perceptive will immediately figure out who’s the good and reliable one and who’s the evil and cunning one. The cramped atmosphere was quite palpable, though, and the silent room scene will be etched in my memory for a long time, but in the end I was probably a bit more bored than I should have been, and the expected ending was filmed to open the door for a sequel instead of explaining anything. Cube is definitely an interesting horror film and the right choice for a long winter evening, but, for example, the first Saw is a few steps ahead in its execution. 65% ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A strange film, but in a good way. I can kind of see why In the Tall Grass was given to Vincenzo Natali. I was only a little annoyed by some of the actors, but otherwise I have to commend the well-developed and original idea and the oppressive direction, which makes the most of the cubic claustrophobia. The ending didn't bother me at all, I like these types of endings. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais You can see that if there is an interesting and original script, it is enough for an entire film to take place in a bathroom and the viewer will be satisfied. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating, but I guess so did the creator when he came up with the idea of setting the whole film in one cube. And he pulled it out! I didn't get a chance to get bored for the whole ninety minutes and the only reason I’m not giving it four stars is because I didn't like the ending very much. ()

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