
En une journée, la petite ville de Silverton est dévastée par une multitude de tornades sans précédent. Les habitants sont désormais à la merci de ces cyclones ravageurs et meurtriers, alors même que les météorologues annoncent que le pire est à venir...Tandis que la plupart des gens cherchent un abri, d'autres se risquent à se rapprocher de l'œil du cyclone pour tenter d'immortaliser en photos cet événement exceptionnel. (Warner Bros. FR)


Vidéo (6)

Bande-annonce 5

Critiques (7)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français L'exemple même d'une mauvaise réalisation de film. Visuellement captivant, mais le casting et les dialogues sont diaboliques. Comme si toute cette chose avait été filmée par une deuxième équipe qui travaille normalement uniquement sur les scènes techniques sans action d'acteur et ne se soucie pas de la dramaturgie de l'histoire (les derniers Transformers ont également souffert de ce même handicap). ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It looks and sounds really great, but the tons of messy situations, seen so many times elsewhere and still so serious, are really catastrophic. And even the idea of shooting the whole film with handheld and public cameras couldn't make it any more interesting, because it almost seems that everyone in this town has a camera (maybe only the dog didn't film) and everyone wants to be a documentary filmmaker, which takes away all the "authenticity". As hilarious as the special effects tornadoes are and the scenes of their rampage are interesting, Into the Storm is mostly boring and I'll have to watch Twister again sometime. Two and a half. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A TV movie with a really high budget. About four or five scenes are really worth watching (mainly the fire and Mack’s flypast the airport), and so such a high rating, but the rest is just stuffing. Dumb dialogs, “random shots", illogical nonsense. And poor Richard Armitage cast in a role totally beyond the abilities of heartless tough guys. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais If it were more ambitious, I'd be jumping for joy. I missed the US government, the meteorologists and all the people trying to solve this issue globally here, it unfortunately focuses on only a handful of characters, which bothered me. The effects are great, but the film also moves slowly and before I know it the film is over. 60% ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I am not a tornado expert and I’ve never even seen a tornado. Nevertheless, I cannot imagine that a monster such as the one that appeared in this movie could appear in America. On the other hand, I bow down before the creators, because they did a great job connecting handheld camera with a proper filmmaking. I could hardly believe how many great shots this movie had. At times where a low-budget movie would be shaky, in this movie the cameraman clearly got some robot helper who did the job for him, or they fed him more, because the camera is stable even during the biggest hurricane and offers a view only mother nature can create. I have to say, I was really surprised. I’ve always been fascinated by tornados and this movie is not any exception. Just the classic American moralizing at the end was a bit unnecessary. ()

Photos (51)