
Dans Equalizer, Denzel Washington incarne McCall, un homme qui croit avoir rangé son passé mystérieux derrière lui et se consacre à sa nouvelle vie tranquille. Mais lorsque McCall rencontre Teri (Chloë Moretz), une jeune fille sous le contrôle de gangsters russes ultra-violents, il ne peut rester les bras croisés- il doit l'aider. Armés de ses qualités cachées, il décide de se venger de ceux qui agressent les plus faibles. McCall sort de sa retraite volontaire et voit son désir de justice réveillé. Si quelqu'un a un problème, s'il voit sa chance tourner, s'il n'a nulle part où aller, McCall intervient. (Sony Pictures Releasing France)


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Critiques (12)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Plus lent mais d'autant plus concentré, gradué décemment et profitant luxueusement du méchant principal. Washington s'approche du poste de catégorie A de Seagal et bientôt une auréole s'allumera au-dessus de sa tête. J'ai été ravi par l'équilibre de souveraineté entre lui et Csokas, par les dialogues, par le petit rôle de Bill Pullman, et par l'atmosphère plus sanglante que celle à laquelle nous sommes habitués avec les films de Washington, et par la conclusion avec Moby. Fuqua est de retour. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Taken + Man On Fire x 2 and you get The Equalizer!! Denzel Washington is in more form than ever and gets my personal Oscar, for Best Actor in an Action Movie (even if he just sits on the toilet for the whole movie, he's got balls). His likability, looks, charisma, skill, ingenuity, focus, military skills and deadly destruction will haunt you throughout the film. What is there to praise here? The excellent cinematography and slow motion effects during the action scenes that strongly rival Korean action movies (the best explosion ever filmed in a movie). A perfect script and dialogues, for the whole film we have the opportunity to hear a plethora of wisecracks and morsels of wisdom, in the next screening I will watch with pencil and paper. The villain, the main bad ass, is a properly smart, cold, menacing and uncompromising mafia boss, he was no doubt a key factor in the success of the film. The action is classy and so distinct you can almost reach out and touch it. The half hour finale was bloodier than any horror film, those who like traps and blood will come into their own as I did. More people died in this film than the number of films I watched in 2014 and there were no few!!! A fully Intelligent, dark and violent revenge ride like there hasn't been in a long time. Whoever humiliates this film flies will be unfriended without mercy! Top 3 movie of the year. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Denzel and dangerous DIY techniques, or also the prequel to Man on Fire, whose only fault is that Fuqua is not Scott. Thus, the slow building of the plot is rather annoyingly long (out of 135 minutes, about 20 minutes are horrendous) and the length of the slow-motion sequences is long beyond absurd. 3 ½. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The Equalizer with Denzel Washington could be pretty much compared to Shooter with Mark Wahlberg, which was also shot by Fuqua, years ago. As far as the action goes, the scenes are very well-done, but the movie has a couple of mediocre, uninteresting and useless moments; it could’ve been 30 minutes shorter and I wouldn’t mind at all. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The Punisher: Hornbach Edition. The better the first half is, which holds back, relies on the characters and has a nice old-school trace, the worse the second is, because it ruins everything. In the second half, Denzel is just an invincible chimera that takes himself too seriously and that makes him an uninteresting character. Literally, the nail in the coffin is footage when, instead of uncompromising gradation, it fades away because of so many endings that even the Return of the King would get up and go home. ()

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