
Woody a toujours privilégié la joie et le bien-être de ses jeunes propriétaires – Andy puis Bonnie – et de ses compagnons, n’hésitant pas à prendre tous les risques pour eux, aussi inconsidérés soient-ils. L’arrivée de Forky un nouveau jouet qui ne veut pas en être un dans la chambre de Bonnie met toute la petite bande en émoi. C’est le début d’une grande aventure et d’un extraordinaire voyage pour Woody et ses amis. Le cowboy va découvrir à quel point le monde peut être vaste pour un jouet… (Walt Disney Company France)


Vidéo (26)

Bande-annonce 5

Critiques (8)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A powerful story with a lesson for life that also has something for adults, who now and again find themselves with their eyes brimming with tears of nostalgia. The film offers kids a lesson and also some fun plush toys (bunny and ducky) with the humble ambition to kill someone. For girls it presents a strong, emancipated heroine and a little girl who prefers the woman sheriff to Woody. The men can just go away or spend the rest of their existence in the closet. My daughter will love this film in a couple of years. Pixar at its best. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It's not as fresh as the first, or as funny and tight as the second, or as emotional as the third. But it finds its own note, which it plays so artfully that one cannot help but declare that Pixar bids farewell to its best franchise with exceptional honour and quality. What’s truly impressive is that it does it for the second time in the same series without repeating itself. My only complaint is that, with the exception of Woody, the original cast is present, but they play second, or even third fiddle. It may have been better if they hadn’t been there at all. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais If the load of Toy Story’s previous episodes was smart entertainment, the load of the fourth one is emotional. Really. A wholesome sequel that seemed redundant after the flawless third instalment, but that in the end manages to brilliantly complete the arc of Woody, entertain with genre tricks (when they dropped the music of The Shining in the antique shop, I fell into cinephile ecstasy), smartly bring in new characters that develop the ideas of the previous films, and deliver a finale that took my breath away with its emotional realism. Although I grunted a little at the popular secondary characters, I think this definitely completes the Toy Story and makes it one of the most beautiful in the history of animation. And there’s no doubt I will come back to it. 90% ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais At first, this was an unwelcome continuation, which in the form of a search for the middle-aged life role bravely targets the most mature viewers and will please the youngest ones more or less only with Forky. Otherwise, it is a thoughtful and surprisingly decently terrifying walk through a nostalgic mind, which provides answers to questions I didn't realize I necessarily needed to know. If it weren't for the fact that the old gang (unfortunately, including Buzz) are relegated to the sidelines, I wouldn't have anything to say, because I once again laughed my head off and uncontrollably teared up at the end, just as expected. So, it's just half a step weaker than the original trilogy, but luckily my fears of an unnecessary appendix turned out to be completely unfounded. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Don't let it be pointless, don't let it be pointless, I thought to myself before the film started. But once it started, I didn't think about it anymore. It dawned on me how much I missed this world, and as time went on it became apparent that after the conclusion of Andy's story in the last installment, this time it would probably conclude Woody's story, and it all felt natural and logical – no setting up mush, but a full-fledged sequel/epilogue. Familiar characters were relied on as much as new ones and the result is fine, emotions of all kinds are just as impressive as Toy Story has always managed to be, and there's probably no point writing about the amazing animation. However, I must highlight the bombastically adventurous and melancholic music by Randy Newman (I am looking forward to the Czech dubbed version, as the songs will be sung by Michal Prokop). It wasn't unnecessary, it was beautiful. ____ P.S. I was disappointed that Pixar skipped the pre-movie short this time. Why? ()

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