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John Brennan, sa femme Lara et leur enfant vivent un bonheur sans nuage, jusqu'au jour où elle est arrêtée pour un meurtre qu'elle nie avoir commis. Trois ans après sa condamnation, John se débat pour préserver l'unité de sa famille, élevant seul leur fils, tout en se démenant pour prouver l'innocence de sa femme. Lorsque leur dernière tentative d'appel échoue, Lara s'enfonce dans la dépression au risque de mettre fin à ses jours. John n'a plus qu'une seule solution pour sauver sa femme : la faire évader. Malgré son inexpérience, John plonge dans les eaux troubles et dangereuses de l'illégalité et se lance dans l'opération de la dernière chance. (Metropolitan FilmExport)


Vidéo (4)

Bande-annonce 1

Critiques (10)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A remake better than the original. That’s mainly because Haggis is much better at family tension than Cavayé. He succeeds mainly because the American family is much more accessible. The burden of the husband's fate is not almost existential, but instead is driven by a clear daddy motivation and offers more audience-appealing elements (the tennis ball tick, the bumpkey, the time press). My only criticism is towards the lack of more vigorous chasers (Quinn’s character is basically made for it!). Otherwise, it’s the best "escape" film since The Fugitive. 4 ½. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A very thrilling civilian thriller with an ending that irons out all moral dilemmas and doubts to the detriment of the whole. Russell Crowe is beginning to find himself in the roles of overweight intellectual gladiators. And he's definitely doing better than the dashing outlaws. Overall, a pleasant surprise that will not disappoint fans of "escape" movies. If it wasn't for that excessive schematic ending, I'd give it a clean four stars, so I'm pointing out that on star is a little less than full. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Despite being a remake, it’s good. Because this role is just right for Crowe; Haggis keeps up the tempo and tension level in respectable waters, so the only complaint can be about the not so good chemistry between the central duo; the original is significantly superior in this respect. However, Haggis scores extra point for powerful emotional moments. Especially the silent interludes on the freeway... That got me more than anything has in a long time. The French version is more “intimate" (the relationship with the father and mainly with her brother is far more important) and overall better in the preparation phase, the American version again works better in the adrenaline parts. But why think about what is better/worse when in both cases these are primarily exceptional pictures. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I am beyond satisfied!!! It was more thought out compared to the subject matter, Anything for Her. The fantastically crafted adrenaline rush and Russell Crowe's desperate look say it all. I'm thrilled that John pulled it off... the plan was really well thought out and believable. Very, very nice! ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A solid escape thriller consisting of two different parts. Russel’s wife is arrested and gets a life sentence for murder (that she committed / didn’t commit?) and he decides to set her free in an extra-judicial way. The first (longer) part is about the escape plan, the second is about the execution. The script is very good, because it doesn’t show all the cards during the planning stage and things become clear only during the execution, which is a very rare approach in similar films. The escape itself is very briskly an tensely shot, but unfortunately, after the WTF moment on the motorway, the film loses its pace and continues at half-speed till the end. The epilogue is unnecessary (and maybe also counterproductive), but regardless of the not fully satisfactory ending, the feeling of a “fine genre piece” remains. 7/10 PS: The poster made of photos is very cool! ()

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