
Tyler est un jeune New-yorkais de 22 ans en rébellion contre sa famille et la société suite à un drame familial. Après une altercation avec un policier, il décide de se venger en séduisant la fille de celui-ci. Mais Ally se révèle être une jeune fille fragile et imprévisible dont il va tomber fou amoureux. Ce qui ne devait être qu'une plaisanterie cruelle se transforme vite en une histoire qui les marquera à jamais... (SND)


Critiques (6)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Un film plat, avec une psychologie des personnages absolument inopérante. Un drame relationnel dont la seule relation crédible est celle qui est la moins importante pour l'histoire (Pattinson et son ami). Comme si quelqu'un essayait de dire aux fans de la série « Beverly Hills 90210 » que la vie peut vraiment être difficile. La fin surprenante est une excellente idée mais criminellement gaspillée dans ce film. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A Fast and hard-hitting conversational drama with quite decent emotions, an average duo of young actors, and a fantastic Pierce Brosnan in one of his typical roles. The ending was supposed to be cathartic, but I was rather left in astonishment. Right? Wrong? Hard to say. And that's where I see this film’s biggest problem. Somehow it's not clear what it actually wants to tell us. Some are appalled by it, some throw it under the bus. It's up to you. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Back when I saw this in theaters, I was slightly over twenty, I understood the bond with my sister ten years younger than me on a profound level, and I still didn't know what life might hold. And Robert Pattinson and Emilie de Ravin had such intense mutual chemistry that the screen almost smoldered at times. Now I am slightly over thirty, life is constantly trying to prove to me that I don't know what it holds for me, but the melancholy of Remember Me has slowly but permanently gotten under my skin. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I can't even say half a word about the cast. In fact, that's what I liked most of all. Robert Pattinson broke away from Twilight, Emilie de Ravin was better than in Lost, and Pierce Brosnan didn't remind me of James Bond at all. Still, I'm a little disappointed with the script, which I was expecting a lot from. In less than two hours, nothing great actually happened. Yes, the ending was great, but it didn't save the previous 100 minutes. That's why I’m rating this as a slightly above average drama (3.5 stars) and I hope Pattinson cuts something better next time. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I hesitated between three and four stars throughout the film because, contrary to my expectations, I didn’t feel it was a silly romance. Pattinson was bearable and Emilie is likeable already when you look at her, but then came the ending, which ruined the whole film. That’s not a shocking twist or a surprise, that’s a situation they pulled out of their asses that lacks any logical connection to the previous events. Yeah, sure, something like that can happen, but why put it in a film that wasn’t leading to such an outcome? When I think about it, the whole film is full of unnecessary tragic events that have only one goal: the viewer’s tears. But most of them aren’t even that unexpected and could have been avoided – too much is too much. ()

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