Dumb and Dumber

  • États-Unis Dumb & Dumber (plus)


Lloyd et Harry sont deux amis complètement déjantés et ne rêvent que d'une chose : ouvrir un élevage de lombrics ! Pour réaliser leur projet, ils courent de petits jobs en petits jobs. L'aventure commence le jour où Lloyd découvre une valise pleine de billets, oubliés par une charmante inconnue... (Pathé Films)

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Critiques (3)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Silly and Dumber is one of those comedies that has been with me side by side my whole life. When I think about it, it's not just the comedy, but mainly the actor Jim Carrey, whom I have liked since my youth in movies like The Mask, Ace Ventura, or precisely Dumb and Dumber. He is definitely not a dark horse, but since I have only the best memories of him, I can't say anything bad about him. The title speaks for itself, and I doubt that anyone has not seen it yet. Jim Carrey was raging here like a madman, his rubber face was under high tension throughout the whole movie, but I enjoyed it. And I enjoy it every time I watch this comedy. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Some things simply don't age, but they just lose a bit of their vitality over time. The movie never seemed so drawn-out to me before, but this time I really noticed the dead spots. However, that doesn't change the fact that there are great jokes and that the duo is so dumb that it simply delights. Jim Carrey is absolutely fantastic and mesmerizingly crazy, while Jeff Daniels complements him so well it's almost dangerously good. Surprisingly, even the story isn't poorly constructed. ()


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