
Bien qu'elle soit jeune, jolie, dynamique et ambitieuse, Becky Fuller est en pleine traversée du désert professionnelle et sentimentale. Aussi, lorsqu'on propose à cette productrice TV de reprendre "Daybreak", la matinale la moins regardée du pays, elle accepte le défi sans hésiter. Pour booster l'audience, elle décide d'engager Mike Pomeroy, le journaliste de légende de la chaîne. Mais le charisme de Mike n'a d'égal que ses caprices de star, et ses relations sont électriques avec Colleen Peck, sa co-présentatrice. Les coups bas hors-plateau s'accompagnent très vite de petites phrases assassines à l'antenne... Dans le même temps, Becky craque pour un producteur de la chaîne, mais sentiments et travail ne font pas toujours bon ménage. Parviendra-t-elle à sortir l'émission de l'impasse et à trouver l'amour ? (Paramount Pictures FR)


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Critiques (7)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français L’une de mes plus grandes déceptions cette année. Avec les stars qui s’y trouvent, j’attendais beaucoup plus de cette comédie. D’après moi, Rachel McAdams est une excellente actrice, mais ici, elle a un peu foiré – alors que, paradoxalement, c’est le rôle principal qu’elle a reçu. Les meilleures scènes se trouvent dans la bande-annonce et à part un combat de sumos avec Diane Keaton et du rap avec 50 Cent, on reste sur sa faim. Dommage. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Thank goodness there are still occasional comedies like Morning Glory. I mean a non-fecal and otherwise non-vulgar film that relies mainly on a funny and quite a clever - though predictable from start to finish - script. Everybody knows right away if Harrison Ford is going to stop grumbling and save that pathetic show's ratings, everybody knows what's going to happen to Rachel McAdams and Patrick Wilson... But so what, if you're having such a good time for an hour and three quarters?__P.S. Diane Keaton was great, and the weatherman on the roller coaster, the parachute, the acrobatic plane and the magician's box were also great. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais “I’ve had lunch with Dick Cheney.” Since I have a weakness for both ladies, I cannot judge this film differently, and Harrison Ford is also in great form – a guarantee that you will laugh at the well-written one-liners at the right moment. In a time of crisis, it is not surprising that instead of being about her relationship with a man, Morning Glory is about Becky’s relationship with her work, which is a substitute for family, without that somehow bothering any of the characters. But before that family can take shape, however, Becky has to fight hard for her new job and defend her position in a cut-throat environment. The screenwriter doesn’t put any more obstacles in her way than is necessary to create the usual dramatic arc. In short, you know that everything will turn out okay, no stress – a certainty that only Hollywood fairy tales offer today. This thoroughly escapist film would not be complete without a very rousing soundtrack: “Strip Me” by Natascha Bedingfield can now cheer me up more effectively than high-quality chocolate (and what’s more, it doesn’t make me gain weight). A film for joy. 85% ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Fortunately, it doesn’t follow the usual romantic template, and it’s also a very good mood lifter. The vital Rachel McAdams was, as always, a delight to the eye and spirit, but the main star, who through dryly delivered lines takes care of 90 % of all the clever humour, is Harrison Ford's utterly divine portrayal of the bumbling journalist. Harrison has needed a role like this, played with honest insight, for years. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I don't expect much from movies of this type, but I'm glad when they have some meat to them. I was missing it here in the first half. Yes, that's right... It was almost a disaster. Thankfully saved with an omelet from Harrison Ford at the end and a generally funnier second half. I don't need to see it again. Unless HBO starts airing it three times a day. ()

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