Les Ensorceleuses

  • États-Unis Practical Magic (plus)


Élevées par leurs tantes excentriques, Jet et Frances, dans une antique résidence, Sally et Gillian Owens se sont toujours senties différentes. En ce lieu propice a la magie et à la sorcellerie, elles ont appris les rites étranges que leurs ancêtres se transmettaient. Mais jalousées, enviées et redoutées, Sally et Gillian ont été rejetées. La première a tenté de mener une vie normale, mais n'a pu déjouer la malédiction qui pesait sur elle. (Orange Cinéma Séries)


Vidéo (1)


Critiques (3)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A genre-diverse experience. The acting combination of Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman is unexpectedly pleasant. In retrospect, it's charming to watch Kidman try, but at this time she hadn't quite broken through. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Such a simple and enjoyable romance in a magical setting to make an evening more enjoyable. The main idea wasn't bad at all, the script was (as it usually is with these films) drier, but this was compensated by great music. I have no words to say about the cast as all my favourite actresses were there: Nicole Kidman, Sandra Bullock and Dianne Wiest. The resolution at the end and the film as a whole stood up to me and despite all the negative opinions here, I simply loved it. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais What led Nicole Kidman to get involved in this pathetic project will probably remain a mystery forever. The fact is, however, that even her presence couldn't rescue the film from its woeful mediocrity. But it didn't have to be so bad. The concept is quite promising, but unfortunately, the director's incompetence killed everything. The film lacks any significant plotline, a proper turning point, or a quality ending. The actors merely walk in front of the camera, occasionally uttering some morsels of wisdom or making a romantic gesture, and that's it. The visual effects are surprisingly underwhelming, and the character played by Goran Visnjic is completely off. When we add all of this up, there is truly nothing nice about it. ()

Photos (29)