
Bande-annonce 1

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Dave Lizewski est un adolescent gavé de comics qui ne vit que pour ce monde de super-héros et d'incroyables aventures. Décidé à vivre son obsession jusque dans la réalité, il se choisit un nom – Kick-Ass – se fabrique lui-même un costume, et se lance dans une bataille effrénée contre le crime. Dans son délire, il n'a qu'un seul problème : Kick-Ass n'a pas le moindre superpouvoir... Le voilà pourchassé par toutes les brutes de la ville. Mais Kick-Ass s'associe bientôt à d'autres délirants copycats décidés eux aussi à faire régner la justice. Parmi eux, une enfant de 11 ans, Hit Girl et son père Big Daddy, mais aussi Red Mist. Le parrain de la mafia locale, Frank D'Amico, va leur donner l'occasion de montrer ce dont ils sont capables... (Metropolitan FilmExport)


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Bande-annonce 1

Critiques (14)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Nomen est omen. A comic book movie about kids that isn’t for kids by any stretch of the imagination. Because gallons of blood flow, severed limbs pile up and an eleven-year-old girl accompanies the butchering of dozens of human bodies with cussing that would even make the proverbial trooper blush. But hold on, despite all of the above, this is an inventive movie and as much as it is bold and funny at the beginning, it changes smoothly into a serious and very heavy affair. Matthew Vaughn simply proves from the third time that he is special, very special. Which is good, really good. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A brutally badass film with action scenes that kick the crap out of most "serious" competitors through their imaginativeness and artistic design. Yet, in a way, Kick-Ass is a serious film that may often rely on pure Tarantino brutality and pulp orgies, but at its core the film has a pure heart full of courage and civility. I could find a few things that do not seem completely kosher to me, but I refuse to spoil the joy of this pure film feast that Matthew Vaughn cooked up. Kick-Ass has balls like Jirka Lábus and, thanks to some of the scenes (strobe shootout, Big Daddy's purge, Kick-Ass's painful initiation) I rank this wild ride amongst the best comic book adaptations of all time. This is also because the creators were able to get a royal portion of comic book freedom and playfulness. Who will do better this year? OK, cunts, let’s see what you can do now! ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Chin down, thumbs up. I like Matthew Vaughn for his approach to filmmaking alone, but the actual result far outweighs my sympathy. Kick-Ass has everything that a proper pop culture film of its time should have - losers, the internet, comic books, crazy humor, absurd violence, and a hefty helping of hyperbole. You can't go wrong by putting this all into one mix, polishing the visuals, and throwing exactly the right music into the playlist. I doubt I'll come across a more musically and editing-packed scene in the movie theater this year than the FPS shootout in the warehouse. Other than that, Nicolas Cage is back in form and Chloe Moretz is the cutest little cutie. Edit: It’s not the movie of the year (The Social Network is a bit different caliber after all), but it is definitely the most stylish movie. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Kick-Ass is kickass. The story is taken more seriously than I expected and it’s really surprising how the film holds itself together considering how serious and detached it is. You could praise basically everything, in particular the soundtrack, which probably is the catchiest in many months. After watching Shutter Island in February I thought that this year there wouldn’t be many films that good, I was wrong, there’s at least one. 100% PS: Watching Kick-ass with a moralist could be a lot of fun. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais We all suspected it, we all believed it, but it wasn't until the final credits that we were relieved that it really is as much of a blast as it was supposed to be. When I was afraid after the trailers that Kick-Ass would bring a bunch of cool action without any emotions, I couldn't have been more wrong. If there's anything missing in the movie, it is precisely the inner processes of the main characters. Dave Lizewski is a character who literally corresponds to the teenage anonymous archetype and you will experience every success or failure with him to the last drop. And who's to blame? It's Matthew Vaughn, who quotes, upgrades, or retells everything you can remember, but at the same time creates an unexpectedly grand spectacle out of the whole story. In moments when you realize that the film is made under far more modest conditions than usual blockbusters, yet you feel the intoxication it brings, which perhaps only the biggest blockbusters can provide, it's clear to you that something great has come out of this group. For me, a very strong 85% on the first watch and the need for further viewings. Right after it finishes, there's so much that it requires additional enjoyment. P.S.: A great show all over again and a leap upward to the highest level of experience. The best cinema experience in a long time. And a solid hundred. ()

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