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Le roi Hypérion envoie ses armées sanguinaires à travers la Grèce pour chercher l'arme ultime, l'Arc d'Épire. S'il s'en empare, il aura le pouvoir de réveiller les Titans et d'anéantir les dieux de l'Olympe et les hommes. Pour contrer le roi meurtrier et ses hordes, Zeus choisit un mortel, Thésée, qui ignore tout de son destin... Thésée a juré de venger la mort de sa mère, tuée lors d'un raid des soldats d'Hypérion. Lorsque le jeune homme rencontre Phèdre, l'oracle, celle-ci est assaillie de troublantes visions sur son avenir. La jeune femme est bientôt convaincue que Thésée est le seul qui pourra arrêter le roi maléfique. Avec l'aide de Phèdre, Thésée rassemble une petite troupe de fidèles, et part affronter son destin dans une lutte désespérée pour préserver l'avenir de l'humanité. (Metropolitan FilmExport)


Vidéo (90)

Bande-annonce 1

Critiques (12)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Les Immortels n'a pas d'histoire qui le fait avancer ou de personnages qui lui donnent vie. Et pour un corps féminin voilé, il y a trente corps masculins à moitié nus. Mais le film est tout à fait sanglant, le concept des dieux et de leur demeure au-dessus des nuages ​​ne ressemble pas à un film porno bon marché (voir Le Choc des Titans), et les décors opulents frôlent le génie du design. Je ne me suis pas ennuyé, je n'étais pas emballé, je n'ai eu de la compassion pour personne et je n'ai soutenu personne, mais je l'ai quand même regardé jusqu'à la fin avec plaisir. Une vacuité ostentatoire efficace. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais That was yummy! A film doomed to the most mixed reviews. For some it will be an insufficiently stylized and insufficiently action-packed copy 300, for others, a way too stylised and an unfaithful take on ancient mythology, and yet for others, a screenwriting mess without any clear motifs and relationships… or, it’s really easy to criticise Immortals. But if I had to criticise one thing, it would be that, compared to his previous film, Tarsem Singh has taken a bit too big a step towards the average audience. But despite that, he’s made a very original and stylised film that I refuse to call average, even if I was forced to. Visually, it’s one of the most intoxicating films from last year and I’m sorry to have missed it in the cinema. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Tarsem Singh is a master of crafting visually stunning worlds. It's refreshing to see a director who pours so much of himself into his films, and with Immortals, the visual experience absolutely blew me away. The set design and overall aesthetics were breathtaking, easily some of the best I've seen in a long time. Unfortunately, the story didn't hold up for me. It felt disjointed, and I struggled to connect with the characters, making it hard to stay invested in the narrative. It’s a shame because the visual spectacle was top-tier. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A supremely aesthetic affair in which Tarsem Singh has imprinted his unmistakable, bizarre visual sensibility. The theatrical stylisation, the lack of epicness and the sparseness of the film's sets (while at the same time visually intoxicating) are the author's intention, not due to the producers' boredom and a hole in their wallets. I want to have this in Blu-ray. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Please, no more battles between reality and dream. Tarsem Singh finally found a substance in which his unmistakable visuals do not become empty mannerisms, but instead perfectly serve an interesting (albeit simple) story in the theatrical vein of the big studio "sandal films" of the 1960s Hollywood big screen era. Paradoxically, the epic is conveyed through non-action acts, which allows the excellent actors to shine. Rourke’s villain is rightly being elevated to Olympus by everyone, whilst Cavill's charismatic bastard holds great promise not only for the new Superman but for similar types of roles in general. Beyond that, Freida Pinto's ass is just for show. This is another one of those occasional film pieces where I was put off going to the movie theater by lukewarm reviews and, despite the HD screening, I will regret it for a long time to come. 4 ½. ()

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