
Bande-annonce 2

VOD (1)


Un groupe d’amis part explorer le Triangle des Bermudes à bord d’un voilier. Après avoir essuyé une tempête titanesque, le bateau est à la dérive. Ils trouvent alors refuge sur un navire où ils ne découvrent pas âme qui vive et où le temps s’est arrêté. Pourtant, ils éprouvent une étrange sensation de déjà vu et réalisent très vite que quelque chose d’hostile les guette… (texte officiel du distributeur)


Vidéo (2)

Bande-annonce 2

Critiques (5)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Tueur brutal, twister schizophrénique, triste drame humain. Grâce à une réalisation ciblée, axée sur les détails, et à des performances d'acteurs de premier plan, un mélange de genres d'une fonctionnalité sans précédent a été réalisé. Et aussi un délice horrifique pour le spectateur réfléchi qui ne s'est toujours pas remis de l'horrible Vaisseau de l'angoisse. Pourquoi ce film captivant, intéressant et visuellement attrayant n'a-t-il même pas été diffusé dans les cinémas américains ? ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Un film d’horreur original et étonnamment accrocheur. Je n’ai rien contre la méthode « du début à la fin et de la fin au début », mais la vision du visage terrifié de Melissa George me suffira sur quatre-vingt-dix minutes, merci ! :-) ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Christopher Smith is an interesting spider. He's clearly comfortable below the level of twenty million dollars per film, which allows him to do pretty much whatever he wants in movies, yet he’s ambitious enough to be envy of three quarters of current overseas filmmakers. Triangle somehow didn't particularly grab me the entire time, and impressed me at most with its very skillfully shot and uncompromising action. Among other things, the shotgun hunting of the heroes reminded me very much of the French film Martyrs. Except that then the film gets stuck in a loop just like the main character and everything happens all over again, and mostly in exactly the same way, which doesn't do much for the attention span. However Smith keeps trying to make the violence a bonding element between the viewer and the film. In the end, to be sure, the ending did get me nicely. Especially with its aggressiveness against the main character (I actually jumped at the mirror scene), the functional idea, and the depressing fatalism. Similar here to, for example, Black Death. Sure, towards the end it becomes clear how useless the whole ship actually is, but I'm still very curious how it will turn out when someone hands Smith a proper budget. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A similar game with time as Timecrimes (no, this is not a spoiler, the film makes that clear very early, and even that four minute trailer doesn’t hide everything), with a similar setting as Death Ship and a climax as arguable as A Perfect Getaway. It’s certainly worth the attention, though, Christopher Smith improves with every film (even though I already liked Metro) and there were several moments that even made me consider five stars (during the first act). In the end, it’s not that great, but it left me with an overall positive feeling, though I will need at least another viewing to make sure this film makes sense… There were several times that made me feel a similarly bleak “psycho” atmosphere as the X-Files episode Dead Calm. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A short, brisk and snappy B-movie that certainly doesn't impress with its visuals and overall look, but it certainly does with its imaginativeness. It's an interesting WTF, it knows how to build an atmosphere and the overall point is on a high level, it's just still "just" a B-movie which, if handled a bit better, could potentially be on the first rungs of its (sub)genre. A solid piece. ()

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