The House of the Devil



Sam (Donahue) is a pretty college sophomore, so desperate to earn some cash for a deposit on an apartment that she accepts a babysitting job even after she finds out there is no baby. Mr. and Mrs. Ulman (cult actors Noonan and Woronov) are the older couple who lure Sam out to their creaky Victorian mansion deep in the woods, just in time for a total lunar eclipse. Megan (Gerwig) is Sam's best friend, who gives her a ride out to the house, and reluctantly leaves her there despite suspecting that something is amiss. Victor (Bowen) at first seems like just a creepy guy lurking around the house, but quickly makes it clear that Sam will end this night in a bloody fight for her life... (texte officiel du distributeur)


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Critiques (3)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Une tension construite avec soin. Nous ne sommes même plus habitués à un jeu d'horreur si pur aujourd'hui (les activités paranormales sont impressionnantes, mais elles sont fausses). Le film humilie tous les House et  Amityville, et rend hommage à une étape historique du genre, dans des traces parfaitement représentatives des années 80. C'est juste dommage pour la conclusion, vers laquelle le spectateur est conduit de manière si concentrée et avec tant d'attentes grandissantes qu'il ne parvient pas à satisfaire, encore moins à combler. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This is the kind of stuff I can really love every now and again! A fantastic recreation of the atmospheric occult horror movies from the turn of the 1970s and 80s; from the music, through the credits, to certain nice screenplay tropes (What does the heroine do in a key moment? Yes,… – I don’t want to spoil it). If you’re used to modern horror with a cheap jump-scare every five minutes to keep your attention, this film will be hell, in the good and bad sense of the word – it depends on how you take it. The atmosphere is built with long shots of the heroine slowly walking through an empty cottage, with nothing but oppressive music and a weird noise here and there – and no jump-scares. Some people will fall asleep with this (most viewers, I think), but others will feel as tense as a violin string. Given the rating, which group I belong to is obvious. The more viewer friendly and action packed last fifteen minutes are fairly over the top in a nice way, but they don’t surpass the atmospheric inferno of the second act. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It's that kind of peculiar horror that can either completely floor you with its stylization or leave you cold, watching it simply because it's a rather original horror film. There are dull moments in it, but there are also good ideas that overall create a unique picture that will definitely not leave you indifferent. ()

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