
Teenager Alejandro lives in La Zona, an enclosed, residential haven of wealth and privilege in the middle of Mexico DF, protected by private security guards, surrounded by shocking poverty. In the early hours of his birthday, three kids from the slums break into one of La Zona’s houses. In the bungled robbery that follows, an old woman is killed, but her housemaid escapes and warns security. The guards take swift, brutal action: two of the young intruders are shot dead. The third - Miguel - escapes and flees deeper into La Zona. A group of residents meet at Alejandro's family home, and quickly decide not to report the event to the authorities, but to track the intruder down themselves and administer their own justice. The manhunt begins. La Zona's residents - adults and children alike - are caught up in a frenzy of fear and simmering violence. Dissenters are treated at first with suspicion, then with naked hostility. Alejandro encounters Miguel accidentally in the family's cellar, but cannot bring himself to turn the terrified fugitive in. Acting on a tipoff, police from the outside investigate the robbers' disappearance, but the residents stonewall them. Violent paranoia flares in La Zona. Miguel swears to Alejandro he has never killed anyone; an uneasy complicity develops between the boys. Confused, his allegiances torn, Alejandro allows Miguel to flee the cellar. But the net is tightening. (Wild Bunch Distribution)


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Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A realistic Mexican drama that highlights one of the most serious human problems of all time - social inequality. Life Behind the Wall is not a chilling or breathtaking drama, but it certainly has a point and shows the lengths to which rich people will go to protect their "property". At times it really made me angry to see what these people can do (for example the little guy with glasses who kept whistling). A sincere and average film. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I first encountered the concept of the zone in the novel "Roadside Picnic" by the Strugatsky brothers, which was adapted into Andrei Tarkovsky's film Stalker. The mysterious ZONE represented an area where the usual laws of physics and rules that we are accustomed to on our planet do not apply. On the other hand, in Rodrigo Plá's film, the ZONE represents a territory where the laws of the country do not apply because the privileged people who live there have enough resources and determination to live according to their own rules, even at the cost of losing their humanity and personal freedom. The Zone separates the successful from the ordinary people living in poor neighborhoods and at the same time distorts the behavior and thinking of those who believe they are protected by it. The omnipresent cameras, uncompromising private security service, bans, and a sense of fear, followed by a failed break-in, subsequent massacre, and psychosis that leads to confiscation of mobile phones and confinement for those who threaten the SYSTEM. On one hand, it is a socially critical drama that aims to provoke and persuade, and on the other, it is a penetrating study of human behavior, manipulation, and herd mentality. From a directing perspective, the film is not exceptional; moreover, it is "only" a TV movie with a lower budget and mostly unknown actors. However, it worked exceptionally strongly in terms of drama and in terms of arousing emotions. I'll put it this way: what the money-obsessed and mainstream-polished Slumdog Millionaire couldn't provide me unexpectedly came from The Zone, including the bitter non-fairy tale ending. Because Plá didn't make a fairy tale, but a political and social reality. And if anyone thinks it doesn't concern us, they are very mistaken. In the evening, I walked through a better neighborhood where high walls separated luxurious villas from the rest of the world. All that was missing were the guards with rifles - the cameras, the bars, and the alarms were all in their places... Overall impression: 95%. The Zone is not as spectacular and action-packed as City of God or as calculatedly emotional as Slumdog Millionaire. It's ordinary and pleasant, like a slap in the face or a kick in the ribs... A big surprise and a strong experience for me. ()


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