

What would you do if you could see death? Michiru Kita can see rings around other people's necks, and when those rings turn black, death follows. So when two boys from her class, Chika Akatsuki and Shito Tachibana, show up with black rings around their necks, Michiru doesn't know what to do. She tries to warn them, but they don't need it--because they are the ones death needs to hide from! With a certain loan keeping them alive, they need money to pay back the debt, and when the two zombie slayers learn of Michiru's unique ability, they decide to use her for their own profit and gain. (Crunchyroll)


Critiques (1)

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anglais It all looks awfully cool. Bullies with tough talk, but they've got pain, grief, sensitivity hidden inside. Wow, girls' knees buckle, guys pat them on the back, "Hi five, Low five", cool, let's keep going, let's go kill zombies to pay off the debt, yeah, yeah, even cooler. Well, we need to add someone to the party, two guys smacks of shōnen-ai, so the third to the party will be a girl (who ends up, poor thing – probably fanservice? – showered with a little shōjo-ai). Yeah, yeah. But it's gotta be that naive Pollyanna who awakens the core of each of them, you know, so that they have someone to sort of protect and yell at sometimes. It's not bad to watch, it's perfectly watchable, except that you might – maybe – occasionally grimace at the would-be terribly moving and crucial scenes or speeches. To kill or not kill a friend? I'd say kill, rake in the cash and have tea, but I guess I’m just a bit too fond of living. It's just such a bland, dull animation with everyone looking horribly pointy and freshly released from Buchenwald. The music didn't stand out to me, neither the opening theme nor the ending, nothing, which means it wasn't anything special. Maybe it has a nice facade, maybe the story sounds interesting, but it's not that well crafted. Such a pity. The manga might be better, but I'm not going to try it. Bottom line, I’m giving it a better 2 stars for the fact that I wasn't even that bored with it. P.S.: Watch 11 episodes and you have, let's say, a complete story, watch 13 and you might as well continue with reading it... ()