
Pour fêter l'anniversaire d'une école, une cérémonie est organisée au cours de laquelle une capsule temporelle contenant des messages écrits par des enfants 50 ans auparavant est déterrée et ouverte. Chaque enfant emporte chez lui un message, mais celui du petit Caleb est illisible, car il s'agit d'une suite incohérente de chiffres. D'abord amusé, son père, statisticien, essaye de trouver une signification. Horrifié, il découvre peu à peu que chaque séquence de chiffres correspond à la date exacte d'une catastrophe récente. Lorsqu'il comprend que les 3 dernières séquences prophétisent des cataclysmes à venir, une course contre la montre commence. (SND)


Vidéo (4)

Bande-annonce 2

Critiques (14)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français I, Robot était un pur blockbuster - plus cher, plus impressionnant, plus spectaculaire, mais aussi plus superficiel et plus creux. Prédictions est plus petit et plus modeste, mais aussi plus personnel et plus sensible. Le scénario peu original et la fin moins réussie sont compensés par une réalisation parfaite, où tout - de la place des personnages, à la dynamique de l'action, en passant par les éléments d'horreur - est servi avec précision. Sans parler du fait que les effets spéciaux ne sont pas simplement là pour faire joli, mais sont au service d'une histoire avec une âme. Et Nick Cage ne s'était pas aussi facilement intégré aux images d'un film depuis longtemps. Prédictions est un petit film de qualité que j'ai envie de noter plus haut que ce que je pensais. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Proyas is a wizard. For a ridiculously low amount of money (by the budgetary standards of modern Hollywood), he delivered an atmospheric visual treat that can send chills down the spine. Though script-wise is like a poor man’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and the pathetic conversation with the father and the grain scene look like something out of the Jehovah Witnesses’ magazine Watchtower, I still give it thumbs up for the bold apocalyptic denouement. The film is not without flaws, but you can feel the craftsmanship and the author's passion for the cause, and that is appreciated. Proyas's favourite albinos had a suitably creepy effect, with Cage surprisingly tame and not overacting. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Most of the time I thought that critics had hurt Knowing, because it is a thrilling and suggestive disaster film that surpasses its even more expensive colleagues thanks to Proyas' directing and great visuals. However, the biblical finale turns the tolerable ridiculousness into something very close to farce. One tends to forgive disaster films their plot holes and the strange (un)motivation of the characters, but the moment the creators hit you with heavy metaphysical calibers, you can now veto the tolerance. Knowing clearly suffers from ambitions that were too high. If it had stayed more grounded, it would be amongst the top films of the genre. Nicolas Cage saying a sentence like "how do I save the world?" would be a problem even in a much better-thought-out film. [65%] ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Proyas has mastered the craft perfectly, but this skill is absolutely useless when he has to deal with a completely trivial script that drags the plot through the morass of the cheapest clichés. Then the director himself becomes a problem, as two pivotal scenes (by the way, letting them get on the internet was a major mistake) seem to have come out of a completely different film. Then there are the horror sequences, which perfectly battle with the cheap remainder of the film, overstuffed with warped family relationships and long-winded scientific theories. It’s a film that’s perfect in its individual parts, but as a whole, it’s... disappointing. PS: ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Not counting Star Trek, Knowing is the best sci-fi film in a very long time (The Day The Earth Stood Still and I Am Legend are not even close). Proyas is a master of atmosphere and his splendid direction and eye-candy visuals made me fully immerse in the film and enjoy it in a way I hadn’t expected. I didn’t even care that I had a vague idea of the twist due to some spoiling moron. Actually, it’s not even that hard to guess quite early on, but it doesn’t matter much because the most important thing here is the atmosphere. My only quibbles are addressed at the not very good CGI, some annoying father-son conversations and the overall predictability (which, actually, is quite nonsense for a film that works with fate and predestination). Cage is more than bearable, he’s finally made a good film after a long time. For me, very satisfied 4 stars (though they could have left out the final field escapade…) ()

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