
Un ancien proverbe chinois a des répercussions sur la vie de plusieurs personnes, selon différents thèmes : la joie, le plaisir, la peine et l'amour. Un homme d'affaires parie ainsi sa vie sur une course de chevaux. Un gangster voit l'avenir qui l'attend. Une pop-star devient la proie d'un baron du crime. Un médecin doit sauver l'amour de sa vie... (Canal+)


Vidéo (2)

Bande-annonce 1

Critiques (5)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The auspicious beginning set me up for an exceptional experience, but with each passing minute the film lost steam and grew senselessly convoluted. No wonder the final "untangling" didn't turn out well. Enough is enough. I don't understand how Jieho Lee could have let this happen, I was quite a believer in him. I feel almost no emotion here, but a lot of effort. So at least the quality of the actors and the fairly accomplished music saves the day in the end. A weak 3 stars... such a pity. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A rather interesting drama that wins over the audience mainly through the interconnectedness of the characters and their fates. It consists of four stories where the main characters influence each other in some way. It’s a bit disjointed, with Bacon's storyline being overacted and annoying, but otherwise, I think this is a film that is worth a single viewing. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I feel that this project was a waste. In this mishmash, it's not so much the actors who play a role, but rather the director and screenwriter who are trying to create a new Magnolia, but because they lack sufficient experience and probably abilities as well, they remain at the level of posing and intellectual kitsch. The film only plays at being a deep social commentary and where it tries to escalate situations and human emotions, it becomes extremely untrustworthy, sentimental, or even pathetic. What works is the cast. I don't know how Jieho Lee did it without connections and experience, but he managed to gather a group of either quality (Garcia, Whitaker) or at least popular (Gellar) actors who try and are able to create the impression that there really is something going on. Otherwise, Lee didn't direct anything worth mentioning before The Air I Breathe, and even though four years have passed since then, he still has not directed anything, which seems characteristic to me. Overall impression: 35%. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Amores Perros, Magnolia, Crash + other actors playing "fatalistically" in their fatalistic mosaic pieces = The Air I Breathe. The remnants of the obvious inspiration in the story structure here is undeniable, but the acting is mostly good (Whitaker is excellent as usual), the visuals are pleasing, and it's still about themes that are undeniably attractive for a film rendering. In short, if you revel in onscreen suffering and feel mentally enriched by the culminating terror and misfortune that befalls the main characters, you will definitely not be disappointed. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Although the script smacks of a certain creative cluelessness at times, I still quite liked this movie. I'm not a big fan of Brendan Fraser, but I quite enjoyed his presence in this mosaic of four interconnected stories. However, Forest Whitaker gives by far the best performance here. It's a real shame that the regular financial advisor that he plays doesn't survive longer. The music, which beautifully completes the darkly melancholic mood of the movie, is also worth mentioning. (75%) ()

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