Maman, j'ai raté l'avion !

  • États-Unis Home Alone (plus)


C’est Noël. La famille McCallister a décidé de passer ses vacances à Paris. Mais dans la précipitation du grand départ, les parents oublient le plus jeune de leurs enfants, Kevin, âgé de neuf ans. Seul dans cette grande maison familiale de Chicago, Kevin reprend vite les choses en mains,et assume les tâches quotidiennes avec un sérieux imperturbable...en accumulant joyeusement les catastrophes ! Dans l'avion qui l'emmène vers Paris, Madame McCallister réalise qu'elle a oublié quelque chose… ou plutôt quelqu'un ! Mais Kevin ne passera pas les fêtes seul, car deux visiteurs mal intentionnés vont lui tenir compagnie : ils ne tarderont pas à regretter leur intrusion... (20th Century Fox FR)


Critiques (4)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Home Alone is one of my biggest favorites. It ALWAYS stops me from doing any activity and reminds me of my childhood. And there's something inside that tickles me so pleasantly. Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without Kevin. And as someone else wrote, it's an unpretentious movie for the whole family. I loved it as a little kid, and I think I'll love it as a grandmother too. Too bad Macaulay Culkin couldn't do anything decent after that. Some people have it backwards with fame... ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Kevin just mustn’t be missing from the Christmas TV schedule. Even though I've seen his escapades at least ten times, I always really enjoy them and my laughter is heart-felt (the nail in the foot, the falling iron, head on fire, etc.). Plus, John Williams' soundtrack is one of his best. Home Alone is simply a Christmas tradition. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This is a Christmas classic in every sense. Anyone who hasn’t seen it is as if they didn’t exist, and anyone who isn't amused by the thieves Pesci and Stern and a house full of ‘sophisticated’ traps, has no sense of humour. Some of the scenes have lost their charm with the years, and I don’t find the whiny Macaulay Culkin as likeable as I used to, but in Columbus's family rendition, the film is still incredibly relaxing, cult-classic entertainment that I revisit every year. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This is simply a legendary film that remains entertaining and inventive even after multiple viewings, and it will likely forever be the best work Chris Columbus has ever done. Even though he has other interesting films to his credit, not just Harry Potter, this film is simply so original that it inspired sequels and other films. Its significance cannot be forgotten. And above all, it's still fantastic Christmas entertainment for the whole family. ()