
Un vendeur de voitures d'occasion endetté fait enlever sa femme par deux petites frappes afin de toucher la rançon qui sera versée par son richissime beau-père. Mais le plan ne va pas résister longtemps à l'épreuve des faits et au flair d'une policière enceinte... (Ciné Sorbonne)

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Critiques (15)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français J'ai un problème avec Fargo. Il contient une douzaine de scènes inoubliables, des personnages formidables et l'une des meilleures bandes sonores de Carter Burwell, mais il est tellement obnubilé par son côté caricatural qu'il perd contact avec la réalité. Et en perdant cette certaine gravité qui devrait être essentielle, il devient juste une curiosité cinématographique originale. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A superb thriller in the Coens’ unmistakable style. Everything played into their hands: 1) the magnificently bleak mood of winter Minnesota, 2) the simple yet impressive soundtrack, 3) Macey and his characterful portrayal of mean-spirited jerk and underdog, as only he can play it, 4) the pair of goons, irresistibly played by Buscemi and Stormare. Add to this the Coens' absurdist humour (e.g. the scene where Buscemi buries the money in the snow), and the final rating is easy. Only the Oscar to McDormand is a bit of a mystery to me. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I got back home from school this afternoon, frozen to the bone (this September has been quite chilly), I sat at the computer and put on Fargo. Big mistake, my teeth are still chattering. That said, the film never bored me, the Coen brothers’ direction is so distinctive that it always feels like a refreshment after a lot of bland movies. The basic plot structure is not that original, what makes the story unforgettable is the place it’s set, which is inhabited by maybe one normal character for every one hundred comical figures, and the very dark humour. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The Coen brothers’ complacent violation of standards and correctness is a joy to behold. However, in their simple world with the highest concentration of bizarre characters per square meter, it is the biggest oddballs who stand out. Yet they are the ones who (thanks to the type-accurate actors) manage to win the audience's sympathy almost immediately. It's not that the number of dead increases at a disproportionate rate, and it's not that you get rid of them in, for example, a branch shredder. It's actually about the fact that the degree of exaggeration is not limited in any way, and it depends only on the benevolence of each individual in terms of how much they enjoy their poetic (the amazing cinematography by Roger Deakins!) constructed world full of immoral behavior and the most diverse characters, in some cases taken to the point of caricature. These are things audiences will enjoy. Form and content go hand in hand in this case and after a moment's reflection, I have to give the film five stars. The Oscar for Frances McDormand is quite a mystery to me, but otherwise Peter Stormare rules forever! ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Certainly not my favorite Coen brothers film, though the way they are able to graft brutality, thriller suspense, and their traditional absurd comedy of human types and their superficial dialogues lightly touches on perfection. The excellent cast hardly astonishes (Stormare takes one’s breath away with his study of complete dementia and Frances is infinitely cute), and perfect and elaborated directing with all the changes in tempo and mood is simply expected of the Coens... Formally, it evokes a white snowy wasteland, with all the quiet places, roads going nowhere and very loose narration. Fargo swims in a very strange current, in which are intertwined a thrilling drama, a psychological study of the life of a loser and a Coen comedy about every-men who get entangled in a bubbling cauldron of brutality. Nothing is self-serving, everything has its order and the brothers, as always, stand on the side of ordinary "idiots". Thanks to this, Fargo is much more optimistic than the subsequent No Country for Old Men. Here, the law is achievable and the world returns to its old habits, to a bed with a bald dumbass and a box full of documents from the life of insects. A good, kind world. But I prefer the pre-apocalyptic wasteland of Cormac McCarthy... and thereby also this country. ()

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