
A story of relationships from which love never faded because it never existed at all. After having an orgasm humans are in an unusual frame of mind. They no longer seek what moments before they may have desired, they laugh at things that might recently have provoked them to violence, and they have no idea if they even got what they wanted. Nine characters, each a symbol of contemporary lifestyles, find themselves in such a state. The mathematical possibilities (four men times five women) result in 20 mini-episodes which merge into a single story of love, relationships, and sex. Nothing remains hidden but the intimate regions of the human body. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (5)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Je suis navré pour Juraj Jakubisko et Deana Horváthová et comprends leur animosité face aux critiques négatives, parce que Post Coitum ne mérite vraiment pas ça. Et même si on considère l’intrigue comme idiote, les dialogues comme superficiels et vulgaires et la musique comme facile et disco à outrance, on ne peut quand même pas balayer la prestation de Jiří Langmajer ni l’excellente photographie d’un simple revers de la main. J’ai vu Post Coitum dans le cadre de l’École d’été du film d’Uherské Hradiště et les spectateurs étaient nombreux, personne n’a quitté la salle en pleine séance et je n’ai remarqué aucun cri de dégoût. J’ai bien aimé le concept et la perspective sur les relations interpersonnelles dans notre société actuelle, mais le réalisateur a exprimé d’une façon poétique un certain espoir que les choses changeront un jour et qu’il existe des gens qui peuvent vivre autrement qu’à travers le mensonge, la corruption et les outrages à autrui. Personnellement, je n’ai pas été déçu par Juraj Jakubisko, y compris pour ce film-ci, et je lui souhaite de rencontrer nettement plus de reconnaissance de la part du public et des critiques avec la Comtesse sanglante. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A debacle and catastrophe that make it much easier to laugh again at the standards of Czech cinema. Franco Nero, Richard Krajčo, and Helena Vondráčková should never act in anything ever again because they are literally a disgrace and only increase the feeling of complete awkwardness with any emotional pseudoexpression. Without Jiří Langmajer, it would have been the biggest flop in recent years. I don't care what Juraj Jakubisko is trying to say, doing it this way won't sell anything. ()

gudaulin Boo !

Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Given his previous accomplishments, Juraj Jakubisko doesn't need to fear hell for directing this atrocity, but he definitely deserves purgatory. Such an experienced director should recognize a bad script when he sees one. But even the execution is rushed. Stupid dialogues, zero plot. Brr! Overall impression: 5%. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais There is no art for art's sake. Juraj Jakubisko's indecisiveness between pushing visual exhibitionism to the max or hammering the audience with the "profound" idea of the screenplay, which he co-wrote with Marcel Bystroň, is the main stumbling block. The relentless effort to create strong metaphors on the topic of sex, which every person encounters, somehow falls flat due to the plotline lacking logical coherence and needlessly shattering into various disjointed pieces that won't fit together, even if the viewer were to stand on their head while contemplating. The purposefully frenetic interchange of camera filters along with rapid editing strongly reminded me of Tony Scott's films. Seriously! It's really hard for me to comprehend how a quite sizable group of Czech A-list actors, including one Italian, got involved in this project. We can pretty much turn up our noses regarding the concept of the "Slovak Fellini." ()

Photos (25)