Le Berger

  • États-Unis The Shepherd
États-Unis, 2023, 38 min


Iain Softley


Frederick Forsyth (livre)


Iain Softley


Anne Chmelewsky
(autres professions)

VOD (1)


À la veille de Noël, un jeune pilote de la RAF qui rentre chez lui se retrouve en grand danger quand sa radio et sa batterie tombent en panne au-dessus de la mer du Nord alors qu'il n'a presque plus de carburant. Tandis que ses chances de survie s'amenuisent, un mystérieux bon samaritain le guide à bon port. (Disney+)

Vidéo (1)


Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I thought the shepherd was Jules Winnfield, but lo and behold, it's Vincent Vega! The RAF gringo spends half the runtime expressing regret and examining clocks in the cockpit, only to be clearly pulled from the valley of darkness with the discovery of another de Havilland. From then on, viewers can speculate on how his rescuer will look in black-and-white photos. "Carol of the Bells" adds a touch of mystery, while Disney+ production delivers the expected Christmas kitsch. Jonathan Frakes from Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction might remark: "Did the hero of our unusual story meet his shepherd, or did our screenwriters turn you into sheep? We’ll find out at the end of the show..." ()