Jour et nuit

  • États-Unis Day & Night
Court métrage / Animation
États-Unis, 2010, 6 min


Teddy Newton
(autres professions)

VOD (1)


Jour rencontre Nuit, un inconnu à l'humeur sombre. Mais leur méfiance initiale se mue bientôt en curiosité, puis en une joyeuse amitié. (Canal+)

Critiques (3)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A day without night and a night without day is like a book without pages! I mean, these two opposing periods belong together despite the many contrasts, and in this animated film it is beautifully (literally) portrayed. The animation is simple but cute and the overall idea wasn't bad at all. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Pixar constantly shows that animation can be pushed further, mainly thanks to the fact that they come up with great ideas. They give freedom to creators who have great ideas in their minds and then turn them into something as beautiful as "Day & Night". Here, it is shown how beautiful animation is when it is taken up by people with an idea. Some scenes here are truly unforgettable, and you will wonder about their beauty. And there is also a point, which is important for a short film. ()


Photos (4)