
  • États-Unis Slugs (plus)
Bande-annonce 2


Suite à une série de décès étranges survenus dans une petite ville des Etats-Unis, Mike Brady, agent des services sanitaires, est envoyé sur place afin d'épauler le shériff local dans son enquête. (texte officiel du distributeur)

Vidéo (2)

Bande-annonce 2

Critiques (3)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Salt them, cut them with scissors, drown them, or let the ducks go? In gardeners, those slippery bastards awaken latent murderous tendencies, but what are we to do when they overpopulate and develop a taste for flesh? Aside from the greenhouse scene, which had “Edwoodian” qualities, the creators mostly managed to address the fact that their aggressive offspring of nature lack speed and leave traces behind. Among the volunteers, there's no shortage of erotic tension, the quirky music jumps between disco, comedy, romance, and suspense (the biggest highlight is the opening credits, where it looks like a snail is going to use a knife through the shower curtain), the gore is quite impressive for its time and the capabilities of bloodthirsty mollusks, and the final sewer scene brings an already short breath to a close. Now, let me ask a final question, comrades. Do you think the last shot reveals that a slimy creature survived? ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Crazy bollocks. A film that everybody knew back in the day (together with Alligator, Piranha and other similar crappy cult B-movies), but that is almost forgotten today. As a 90-minute tour into horror history, it’s OK, but to be honest, I’m happy that the 80s are long gone. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais An appealing bit of horseplay, or slugplay, that works brilliantly as a pure reflection of the most B-grade movie making of the 80s era. The perfect fulfillment of all the expected genre clichés is almost endearing, and I simply can't go below 3 stars because it's still pretty entertaining (albeit stupidly so). ()

Photos (27)