Resident Evil : Apocalypse

  • Belgique Resident Evil : Apocalypse (plus)
Bande-annonce 2

VOD (1)


Alice a survécu à l'effroyable cauchemar qui a dévasté le complexe scientifique ultrasecret d'Umbrella Corporation, mais elle n'est pas la seule à en être ressortie... Un virus mortel s'est abattu sur la ville de Raccoon et rien ne semble pouvoir lui échapper. Avec un groupe de survivants, Alice, dont le métabolisme a mystérieusement été modifié, doit affronter le pire. Certes, elle a gagné de nouveaux pouvoirs, elle est plus puissante, ses sens sont surmultipliés et sa dextérité est hallucinante, mais ça ne sera pas forcément suffisant... Elle est rejointe dans son combat par Jill Valentine, un ancien membre des forces spéciales d'Umbrella. Ensemble, elles vont tenter de résoudre les énigmes et faire face à une force maléfique, un ennemi absolu lancé sur leurs traces. Son nom ? Némésis. Son but ? Eliminer toute vie. Cette fois, s'échapper ne suffira pas. Il va falloir affronter... (Metropolitan FilmExport)


Vidéo (2)

Bande-annonce 2

Critiques (5)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This time expanded throughout the city and later possibly everywhere else, yet ultimately similar to the first one. Therefore, a solid one star for being very sexy, very action-packed, but as far as Milla Jovovich's character, also quite ridiculous. The rest is a screenplay fiasco that grows thicker with each passing minute. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I rewatched Apocalypse Now and had to upgrade my earlier rating by one star. I had been too harsh. Like the first installment, this film also takes the game only as inspiration on which the story is loosely based. Apocalypse Now clearly takes Resident Evil 3 as a model (Nemesis and Jill Valentine are both accurate). The filmmakers tried to avoid scenes with "overpowered" heroes this time, but Alice's triumphant entrance into the church sure got out of hand. Otherwise, I was quite satisfied with the story. Let me just say again how much I appreciate that Paul Anderson didn’t try to make the film exactly like the game. He would have definitely failed my expectations. I was okay with this loosely inspired story. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Zero expectations = no possible disappointment. And that's what works here. Solid action zombie killer film with sexy Milla Jovovich (a pleasant counterweight to the ubiquitous musculatures), a correspondingly stupid story, clip editing and Matrix-stylization of action scenes. It works very well, and if you shut off your brain, you won't be offended. Witt, I think, made a pretty solid entrance to the silver screen, although, as far as we can tell, Resident Evil: Apocalypse looks like a well-made intro to a computer game, so the only intruder to zero expectations was the ubiquitous urge to grab a mouse and take the action into your own hands. Which, unfortunately, I can't. So before I put my brain where it belongs, I'm giving three stars. Gotta have some relaxation... ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Well, let's face it, it's a brainless piece of crap, but blaming a film of this kind for a dumb script and zero logic is like mocking Arnold Schwarzenegger for never playing Hamlet. The film has a fairly brisk pace, there's always something going on (shooting, burning, exploding), the speeches are kept to a minimum so it doesn't matter that there's not the acting is not good (and Mila has never been a good actress and that will never change). Some of the action is interesting, some is unfortunately messy, cluttered, overly edited and rather sterile in terms of brutality – Anderson could have pushed the envelope more. Passable as an unintentional comedy. ()

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