Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


Kaksi tähtitieteilijää lähtee mediakiertueelle varoittamaan maapalloa lähestyvästä tappavasta komeetasta, mutta ihmiskunnan huomio on toisaalla ja reaktio sen mukainen. (Netflix)

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Arvostelut (19)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti It's easy to see why Leonardo DiCaprio, an environmental activist who chooses his films carefully, gave his nod to this one – substitute a deadly comet for current and worsening climate change in the coming years and you get the picture. On the one hand his character, Dr Randall Mindy, and on the other – in real life – deniers like Klaus, Trump and similar idiots who, despite clear scientific and factual evidence, deny the human effect on climate change, just as McKay's film shows. And the people who, just like in this story, generally don't give a shit, they'd rather superficially like an article about how some pseudo-celebrity broke up with her boyfriend and completely ignore something that will be in a few years, or is slowly coming, because celebrities and other such superficialities in commercial media (and now, unfortunately, in public media as well), which focus primarily on entertainment, are pulling their weight these days. You can't be surprised, then, that Ariana Grande's breakup is hilariously taking precedence on TV over information about impending danger from outer space. Unfortunately, after an energetic first half, when McKay, in addition to the aforementioned, aptly addresses the unfortunate influence of social networks, the superficial and short-term thinking of politicians and the herd mentality of the population, the film loses its grip and its momentum and reaches the end at an idle. It just goes from a biting satire to an overly activist thing with no insight. But overall, the 4 stars are well deserved for the message that we're sitting on a barrel of dynamite while laughing like idiots. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Don’t Look Up is a substantially better Hollywood comedy about the end of the world than This is the End :-). It is not only smartly written, but also cleverly cast. For example, the use of Ariana Grande and her song is outstanding. I found the live broadcast scenes the most satirically on point. Another interesting role for Mark Rylance. Though not revelatory, DiCaprio’s last line is apt and right in line with my beliefs. And this is the Cate Blanchett that I would want for a lover. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Is this a brilliant satire that affects a sensitive point? Nope. Rather, it’s a very dry affair that fails in all disciplines. It strikes out in all directions indiscriminately and sometimes hits something rather unintentionally. That humanity is, at its core, a bunch of greedy assholes driven by the lust for riches and the desire to be better off than our neighbor is nothing new. Yet the film shouts it out to the world with the smiling naivety of young teenagers who want to save the world with a banner in one hand and a cobblestone in the other. Maybe these old-fashioned thought "overlaps" are enough for some people, but if I’ve got the laziest dramaturgy, I'm damn well taking the opportunity to be really clever and, above all, funny. This collection of caricatures without a single full-blooded character just travels around America, decrying concentrates of media outpourings, billionaire complexes, and political clownery, where it's fine to look for all the real-life foreshadowing, but absolutely no one is standing on their own two feet. It's like the jokes my fourth graders sometimes tell me at school: it has a confusing beginning, everything gets repeated about four times, and by the punchline, you have to help it or it's never going to end. This simply lacks effort and cuteness. The condescending smile is nowhere to be found. Middle finger up. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The worst thing is that in a world where populists rule politically, where even infotainment is no longer enough for the media but pure entertainment, where much of the real power is held by unaccountable tech giants headed by eccentric megalomaniac billionaires, where social media trends set the agenda, where likable bullshit carries more weight than fact-based opinion, a doom-comet could very well end up exactly like this. Scary, true, and funny at the same time. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Don't Look Up is a mirror reflecting the consumerism that surrounds us all today — original, unique, and likely to be a telling piece of commentary for years to come. It's also a classic Oscar contender, packed with a star-studded cast all vying for at least a nomination. Leo is probably the most tolerable, while the rest of the cast comes off as grating — except for Jonah Hill, who seems to effortlessly embody his role’s arrogance. I appreciate the clever concept and sharp, though not always funny, satire. The ending is arguably the funniest part, and if anyone deserves an award, it’s Mark Rylance. ()

Kuvagalleria (181)