
Oscar®-voittaja Taika Waititin ohjaama tositapahtumiin perustuva Next Goal Wins kertoo amerikansamoalaisesta jalkapallojoukkueesta, joka kärsi vuonna 2001 surullisenkuuluisan selkäsaunan luvuin 31–0. Nyt MM-karsintojen lähestyessä joukkue palkkaa luotsikseen viinaanmenevän, omintakeiset valmennusmenetelmät omaavan Thomas Rongenin (Michael Fassbender) siinä toivossa, että tämä kääntää maailman surkeimman futisjoukkueen kurssin tässä lämminhenkisessä sinnikkäistä altavastaajista kertovassa komediassa. (Walt Disney Nordic Fin.)


Videot (9)

Traileri 8

Arvostelut (4)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti When there's a new Taika Waititi film, I'm all in. This time, he's tackling a soccer-themed story, so I had to give it a shot. While it's often compared to Cool Runnings, I have to admit, Michael Fassbender isn’t quite John Candy, and it might not become a classic in the genre. That said, I laughed a lot throughout the film. It’s got Taika’s signature comedic touch, a lovely setting, and follows the beats you'd expect from a feel-good comedy. It's the kind of movie you want to watch to unwind and relax. Honestly, I could even see this working as a series, enjoying more time with these characters. Thanks to this film, the people of American Samoa have won a place in my heart. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I won't comment on the factual side, because I don't know it and I'm not interested in it - I simply went here for a feelgood comedy and that's what I got. The template and the outcome were clear from the beginning, but this interspersing of wisecracks and jokes just suited me perfectly and I laughed almost all the time. The acting may be mediocre and even the overall impression of the film is underwhelming, but if you turn a blind eye and focus purely on the entertainment, you'll be satisfied to the max. A relaxing movie for the whole family. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti An enjoyable feel-good sports film by Taika Waititi with likeable characters and a very good Michael Fassbender. Story-wise, it's a stale tale, but it doesn't matter that much as the film flows on a pleasantly positive mood throughout. Don't expect fits of laughter though, but it held my attention very well. 70%. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Such nice people. Such a nice movie. I last played football in high school and I'm about as good a player as Michael Fassbender, but still, Taika Waititi's laid-back comedy worked wonders for me. The bizarre episodes of exploring American Samoa and the training montages are topped, unsurprisingly, by the first game. Cool Runnings but with football. But the best and strongest thing Next Goal Wins is not the comedy. At the half-time speech, the film switches gears for a moment and, thanks to Fassbender's strong performance, also hits you incredibly hard; it brings out the darkness and unexpected cruelty of the world. The only way to combat this is by enjoying life and trying to have fun, not by spinning in a spiral of self-destruction. I think that's what Waititi meant. ()

Kuvagalleria (22)