
Abby on aikeissa kosia kumppaniaan Harperia joulujuhlissa. Matkaan tulee kuitenkin mutkia, kun Harper paljastaa perheensä olevan autuaan tietämätön heidän homoudestaan. (Netflix)

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suomi Ihan kohtalainen gay-teemainen leffa poliittisesti tunnetun perheen teeskentelystä ja ulostulosta. Paljon parempi kuin kuluneet ”joulu”elokuvat, joita päällemme syydetään jostain lokakuusta saakka. Siitä huolimatta aika kliseinen ja keskiverto, keskivertoa huonommalla käsikirjoituksella. Itselleni tietenkin Kristen on se juttu, mutta myös loistava Dan Levy. Hänen ansiostaan innostuin katsomaan myös leffan Schitt's Creek. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I have already expressed myself similarly in the past - I could watch Kristen Stewart calmly for two hours and she wouldn't have to do anything at all. So everything else is just extra. This film fits into today's Hollywood, clichéd to the core and filled with quotas, however it has a number of bright moments and mainly Kristen. Unfortunately, everything is predictable, written a hundred times, acted out, overacted. Christmas here represents only a necessary background and grounds for a dysfunctional family, whose members lie to each other until it hurts. It doesn't offend, it doesn't impress. ()



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englanti A bunch of unlikeable snobs and liars behaving annoyingly, and for the fifty minutes I managed to watch it, I wondered why Kristen Stewart hadn't packed up long ago. Maybe the whole thing will end up making sense, but I don't have the energy or inclination to find out. Plus, Clea DuVall directs as if she was 90 years old. And she's got a sense of humor as if she was 100. ()


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englanti 2020 was an incredibly gay year when it came to LGBT films with a Christmas theme (The Christmas Setup, Dashing in December), so in the case of a chick-flick, it might seem like taking wood to the forest. Happiest Season is a heavily predictable film, with a likeable performance from Kristen Stewart, who, besides coming out, addresses in a fairly apt, if not original, way how toxic family can be (and not just at Christmas). Nothing to write home about, perfect for one (pre-Christmas) viewing. ()

Kuvagalleria (46)