Totuus vai tehtävä

  • Yhdysvallat Truth or Dare (lisää)
Traileri 1


Lucy Hale ja Tyler Posey nähdään päärooleissa kauhuelokuvassa Totuus vai tehtävä. Kaveriporukan harmiton totuus vai tehtävä -leikki muuttuu kohtalokkaaksi, kun joku – tai jokin – alkaa rangaista niitä, jotka valehtelevat tai kieltäytyvät tehtävästä... (Universal Sony Pictures HE Fin.)

Videot (3)

Traileri 1

Arvostelut (6)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

suomi Joukko sosiaalisesti kyvyttömiä koulupudokkaita reissaa Meksikoon vetämään lärvejä ja vahvistamaan "ystävyyttään" ja tuo sieltä tuliaisinaan täydellistä englantia puhuvan latinodemonin, joka mielikuvituksettomasti listii heitä, kun he eivät halua leikkiä. Ei-kauhea kauhuleffa, joka perustuu samoihin elementteihin kuin esimerkiksi Final Destination tai Ring. Yllättävää on, ettei dialogi kuulosta kuin lobotomian läpikäyneen luomukselta, eivätkä näyttelijäsuoritukset ole saippuasarjan luokkaa. Kaiken kaikkiaan kuitenkin melko tylsä elokuva, joka unohtuu jo viikon päästä. Jeff Wadlow on pystynyt parempaankin. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Jason Blum reportedly gave this the green light only after being pitched the opening scene and told the title of the film. And boy does that make perfect sense. Because once again it's a completely inept, untalented, freakshow full of incredibly empty characters fitting of Blumhouse. Perhaps the only thing that struck me was how the film is really firmly grounded in the present day. The selfies, the social networking sites, the sleuthing that goes on through them, the film really doesn't shy away from the modern technology that normally gets in the way of filmmakers, and the work with it is incorporated into the film naturally. Truth or Dare is even so metamedia that the title of the main demon is derived from a tag on deviantart for pictures with a certain type of smile, which in turn is reminiscent of the deformation of photographs through various mobile and computer apps, so much so that perhaps it's not just laziness on the part of the filmmakers, but some kind of intention. Otherwise, this film is a terrible, really terrible piece of crap that is desperately incapable of making you scared, there’s no one to root for, you don't care at all about the illuminated lives of these pretty young people who aren't interesting in the slightest, and most importantly, it's further evidence of how in a pragmatic digital age where we hold ourselves back as much as possible from all the unknown, we simply lose the ability to tell scary stories or feel discomfited or scared by them. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Why would anyone call this a horror/thriller? To me it seemed like a boring college comedy / a failed attempt at a drama. The script was poor and unoriginal - those who have seen Final Destination will know what I mean. The direction was as bad as the writing, the dialogue was pathetic and don’t get me started on the acting performances. The whole thing was completely lacking in atmosphere and suspense, but at least I laughed occasionally. For example, I was amused by the scene when the best friend barged into the room like a member of the Gestapo expecting to find a Jewish concentration camp refugee, several members of the communist resistance and at least two paratroopers in the room, just to startle the naïve viewer:-) ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I really didn’t fancy watching this film at first, but I was quite pleasantly surprised in the end. The actors are terrible and there is hardly any gore, but it's decently made, the quests are fun, the deaths are interesting and the girls are pretty, so as a teen horror movie it held up pretty well for me. 60% ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The problem with Truth or Dare is that you get exactly what you expect from it. There's nothing extra, there are no good characters, the actors simply do what's required of them, and what you really get is normal horror boredom. However, I think you really could make something scary out of this idea. So far, unfortunately, no one has managed to do that. ()

Kuvagalleria (26)