
Yhteiskuntaopin opettaja Eugene Simonet (Kevin Spacey) viettää kaavamaista ja pedanttista elämää. Yksinhuoltaja Arlene McKinney (Helen Hunt) asuu poikansa Trevorin (Haley Joel Osment) kanssa vaatimattomalla asuinalueella ja yrittää epätoivoisesti parantaa perheen elintasoa tekemällä kahta työtä. Trevor käy Simonetin tunneilla. Eräänä päivänä oppilaat saavat tehtäväkseen muuttaa lähiympäristöään jollain tavalla paremmaksi. Mutta voiko toista ihmistä muuttaa noin vain? (Warner Home Video Fin.)


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englanti The hard-hitting dialogues unfortunately do not make up for the insanely sentimental backbone of the film, which is cynical to the point of woe. The characters are flat and simple, everything is superficial without any believability or realism. Throughout the film, Mimi Leder presents us with a fairytale story about a good boy, whose final act forces the viewer to shed a tear. I can imagine the sweaty director behind the camera trying to shoot some scenes with the highest possible dose of tearfulness, that's how it looks according to the final product. It's not completely bad and the script initially has a relatively interesting storyline. Unfortunately, it becomes increasingly clichéd and tearjerking. About eighty percent insincere. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Upon the second viewing, I couldn't help but wonder if the director didn't just make up the shocking twist ending to add a more emotional and fateful touch to her otherwise serious romantic story. However, since I really enjoy Kevin Spacey in this civil role and I enjoy being emotionally squeezed, I have no complaints and fondly remember this aspect. This is greatly aided by the excellent music by Thomas Newman, which adds a beautifully nostalgic touch of lost memories to the film. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The actors were great, but the screenwriter must have had an internship in a Venezuelan TV studio. Pay It Forward could have been a nice film with a positive message, but the monstrous, emotional blackmail of the ending made it typical Hollywood crap, good only for drooling over the tears of leftover popcorn on the laps of soap opera fans. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti When I turned on the TV in the morning they were showing Pay It Forward, credits flashing with the sonorous names of Helen Hunt, Kevin Spacey and Haley Joel Osment, and when I discovered that the film's music was composed by my favourite Thomas Newman, I didn't hesitate to stay in front of the telly. Admittedly, this is a typical "emotion machine movie", but it was delivered so nicely and enjoyably that it stroked the soul and warmed the heart. In short, an above-average family film about one little boy's "unworkable" plan that benefits especially from the performances and the wonderful musical score. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti An overly sentimental and manipulative Hollywood tearjerker for the masses that’s diminished by its own lack of credibility. But as an emotional viewer, I was still moved by it. ()

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