
Kansainvälisen merenalaisen tarkkailuohjelman sukellusvene on joutunut valtavan olennon hyökkäyksen kohteeksi, ja nyt sukellusvene miehistöineen on uponneena Tyynenmeren syvimmässä haudassa. Ajan käydessä vähiin kiinalainen valtamerentutkija, tohtori Zhang (Winston Chao), palkkaa vastoin tyttärensä Suyinin (Li Bingbing) tahtoa entisen syvänmeren pelastussukeltajan Jonas Taylorin (Jason Statham). Suyinin ja Taylorin on yhdistettävä voimansa pelastaakseen miehistön sekä koko valtameren pysäyttämättömältä uhalta: yli 20-metriseltä hailta, joka tunnetaan nimellä megalodon. Sen luultiin kuolleen sukupuuttoon mutta se on hyvinkin elossa… ja nälkäinen. Jonas kohtasi saman hirvittävän olennon jo viisi vuotta sitten mutta kukaan ei uskonut häntä. Nyt, yhdessä Suyinin kanssa, Taylorin on voitettava pelkonsa ja henkensä uhalla palattava meren syvyyksiin… ja kohdattava jälleen kaikkien aikojen mahtavin ja suurin saalistaja. (SF Studios Fin.)


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Arvostelut (9)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Entertaining idiocy about a bloodthirsty prehistoric shark, in which Statham sings the same tune as Dory in Finding Nemo. The tricks are solid and the B-movie screenplay is supported by essential crutches such as a whining black guy, a bothersome billionaire and the requisite love story. But the movie also has a British joker up its sleeve who used to be a professional swimmer and saves everything, including the movie. I enjoyed it. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A forgettable, average B-movie. It needed a director like Stephen Sommers or Joe Johnston, who would make such deliberately silly subject matter into a better spectacle. John Turtletaub is not very good.____P.S. The Czech subtitles by Kateřina Hámova are once again horrendous. No, “squid" really isn't “octopus," and there were plenty of other mistakes as well. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I’m actually not all that surprise by Jason Statham being in this film. MEG is quite a quality b-rated movie, which looks stupid only in those moments when Jason doesn’t have a beer in his hand. Because when he does, he looks like the coolest guy under the sun, so I think he should’ve had one even while he was holding a fishing rod with the megalodon in his other hand. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Jon Turteltaub serves up a solid shark spectacle for 130 million USD. I went to the cinema without expectations and left pleasantly surprised. Jason Statham is absolutely superb and pulls the whole film up, and the gorgeous Ruby Rose and the verbose black guy who provides the entertainment are also good. The budget really comes through and it's a pleasure to see the underwater world with all that goes with it, including the giant Megalodon, which is nicely cunning and sneaky. The film reminds me of a mix of Deep Blue Sea and Jaws, and for a PG-13 film it's very bloody in places (the scene with the whale with its guts sticking out on camera just had me gawking). The scares work, a few people jumped out of their seats nicely during the screening, and the director serves up some great suspense with Statham's life on the line several times. For me, perfect entertainment with nerve-wracking suspense. The scene with the helicopter is the highlight. 80%. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Jason Statham attempts to stop a giant prehistoric shark that scientists say should be long extinct but is still alive. And it's hungry. The Meg is an thoroughbred action B-movie, pulled forward by an excellent Statham and a big budget that Jon Turteltaub does some pretty wild things with. It's a shame, then, that by the end they softened up and the megalodon rampage has to do without blood. But it's still pretty entertaining crap. ()

Kuvagalleria (78)