
Yksityisetsivä Steve Fordin (Bruce Willis) alavireinen ura ja elämä Los Angelesin auringon alla kokee järisyttävän kolauksen, kun pahamaineinen jengi varastaa hänen rakkaan lemmikkikoiransa Buddyn. Yllätyksekseen hän huomaa joutuneensa kostonhimoisten samoalaisten veljesten ja muiden hämäräperäisten heppujen suoraan tähtäimeen. Sanotaan, että koira on ihmisen paras ystävä eikä Steve arkaile laittaa täyttä rähinää pystyyn osoittaakseen sen todeksi. (Future film)


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Arvostelut (3)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti For being a classic Bruce Willis B-movie, the film is actually quite digestible and entertaining at times despite the completely flat and ordinary plot. The John Wick from Wish is held together by the ever likable Willis supplemented by amusing wisecracks here and there, and Jason Momoa's face and the fast-paced lightweight running time make Once Upon a Time in California easily skippable and unnecessary, but I wasn't significantly bored. In fact, I'm slightly surprised. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A fairy tale set in sunny Venice, featuring surfer music, a palette of bizarre characters, a bored Willis, and Goodman sleepily varying Walter Sobchak. About halfway through, with each additional plot layer, I desperately summoned the end, and it never actually came! While Bruce was nude skating, clearly feeling no slight prick during filming, I couldn’t help but remember Bart's ride in The Simpsons Movie. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti God. Filming such crap with such actors is just sad. Bruce Willis has been making crap movies lately, but John Goodman didn't deserve this, even though his character is traditionally good. Because he is good. But Jason Momoa is boring, Adam Goldberg is underutilized, and don't even get me started on Famke Janssen. And most importantly, the whole thing is just embarrassing. ()

Kuvagalleria (37)