The Grinch

  • Yhdysvallat How the Grinch Stole Christmas (lisää)
Yhdysvallat / Saksa, 2000, 104 min


Grinch on pahantuulinen, vihreä ja karvainen otus, joka asuu lumihiutaleen sisällä Mount Crumpit-vuorella. Grinchin sydän on kaksi numeroa liian pieni, ja kaikkein eniten hän vihaa kahta asiaa maailmassa: joulua ja huu-otuksia, jotka asuvat huuvillen kylässä vuoren juurella. Eräänä vuonna hän päättää estää joulunvieton kokonaan ryöväten kaikki joululahjat ja koristeet, mutta huutpas vierrävät joulua sittenkin. Pikkutyttö nimeltään Cindy Lou saa Grinchin lopulta ymmärtämään, että joulun merkitys ei olekaan leluissa ja välkkyvissä koristeissa. Tämän valloittava tarina perustuu tri. Seussin rakastettuun lastensatuun "How The grinch Stole Christmas". (Universal Sony Pictures HE Fin.)


Arvostelut (5)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The Grinch is one of the classic Christmas movies that has undoubtedly a cult status in the USA, home of Dr. Seuss, its creator. It’s the story about a green, furry grump who, in the end isn’t as evil and mean as one originally thought. It stands – but also falls – on Jim Carrey's eccentric performance. His portrayal of the Grinch is truly unmissable, and it's a shame that at times he was too theatrical, even annoying – the scenes from the cave, however, were brilliant. The lessons about not judging a book by its cover, and that Christmas is not a materialistic but a spiritual holiday, are timeless and always warm my little heart (and make it a few numbers bigger). Last but not least, I praise the nice, if perhaps at times too contrived, artwork. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A Christmas classic, no doubt. To Europeans the humour and the fairytale dimension may seem wacky, but for me The Grinch is a "happy" combination of filmmaking ingredients (poetic narrator, amazing make-up, adult humour, a peculiarly delivered moral message) and an almost inexhaustible source of annual entertainment. My warm relationship with this green monster grew even more when a friend with a facial expression remarkably similar to Carrey's appeared in my life... Well, that’s all I’m saying :D ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I had the good fortune to see the film in both English and Czech, and I must say, the Czech version seemed a bit better to me. Quite a bit, actually. Zdeněk Svěrák's voice was more Christmassy, as was the dubbing, although Jim Carrey is simply the best in the original. Definitely a story that one enjoys most at Christmas. At other times, it's just a pretty ordinary fairy tale. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti If it weren’t for Jim Carrey, Ron Howard would have failed miserably. If it weren’t for Jim, Grinch wouldn’t be as entertaining as it actually is. But it is only entertaining enough to deserve three stars because the Whos of Whoville were so annoying that I almost wished for Grinch not to be convinced about goodness and joy by them… which I guess is a bit of a contradiction with a movie like this. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I was on the fence about Grinch for a long time. This was just another meeting with Jim Carrey for me. In the year 2000, this uncrowned king of video rental stores had already made all the hits we loved: Ace Ventura (both parts), The Mask, the third Batman, Liar Liar... and he slowly started looking for something more serious, which brought him encounters with Milos Forman or Michel Gondry. Nowadays, I would say that Dr. Seuss' modern rhyming fairy tales don't need a live-action film (the book "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" was first published in 1957); animated series are absolutely perfect for them. However, here, Carrey's routine comic stylings are touched up by the cute Taylor Momsen and sexy Christine Baranski. We'll see if I remember to watch it again next Christmas. ()

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