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Mahiru Shirota prefers the simple life. If it needs done, he'll just do it! But after rescuing a cat he names Kuro, life takes a turn for the complicated. Kuro turns out to be a Servamp - a servant vampire - named Sleepy Ash, and the two form a contract. Kissing his simple life goodbye, Mahiru is pulled into the world of vampires, the seven deadly Servamps, and war. So much for simplicity! (FUNimation)


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englanti I had no problem with the first episode; I did not even mind that the characters seemed a bit flat. The second episode even intrigued me in the first half; I thought the enemy might not be too bad until the main male protagonist started giving him a lecture. So then I understood that this poor guy has actually just been misunderstood, and therefore the main male protagonist obviously starts helping him! That was so touching that I just started chuckling away cynically. It did not get much better as the episodes went on, just more and more weird pairings popping up. Moreover, I thought that the fight scenes in this show lacked sparkle, none of the characters really interested me apart from the "sloth cat" and the ending in general, which I expected to be at least a little interesting, was in the words of the main villain "not interesting at all." I am kind of trying to figure out who Servamp was actually intended for because with all the bishies and vampires being just a hair scarier than the ones in the horror movie Twilight; I would have supposed it was aimed at girls. However, the attempts at all the fighting and the gritty opening made me think that perhaps it was not meant to be like that. Well, whatever the case, it was obviously not aimed at me probably, because my impression of this show is very poor. 3/10. ()