
Legend on tositapahtumiin perustuva tarina Iso-Britannian tunnetuimmista gangstereista, Reggie ja Ronnie Kraystä, jotka nauttivat elämästä ja terrorisoivat Lontoota svengaavalla 60-luvulla. Ronnien vapauduttua vankilasta veljekset kasvattavat valtaansa Itä-Lontoossa kilpaillen elintilasta etelälontoolaisen jengin kanssa. He aloittavat myös yhteistyön amerikkalaisen mafian kanssa, joka hakee jalansijaa Lontoosta. Julkisuudesta nauttivat Krayn veljekset kiehtovat Lontoon rikkaita ja kuuluisia, ja heidän vaikutusvaltansa ulottuu yhteiskunnan korkeimmille tahoille. Mikään ei voi pysäyttää heitä. Samoihin aikoihin Reggie rakastuu paikalliseen tyttöön, Frances Sheaan ja vie hänet vihille. Reggie lupaa siirtyä kaidalle polulle ja veljekset levittävätkin toimintaansa laillisiin liiketoimiin hankkimalla muutaman yökerhon. Mikään ei kuitenkaan kestä ikuisesti, vaan ajan kuluessa Krayn veljesten imperiumiin alkaa kohdistua yhä vakavampia uhkia. (SF Film Fin.)


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kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Those of you who don’t like Hardy must take off two stars, because it is the acting performances that pull this rather standard gangster movie to new heights. Legend is too long for the little that happens in the movie. Either they should have shortened it, or draw out the Cray Bros. Odyssey into a miniseries. Not at all a bad movie, but it had much more potential. Amongst the competition - Peaky Blinders on TV - at the theater any Scorsese is the second from the back. Hardy’s Reggie and Ronnie are the pack-horses of this movie and worth every penny. The more I think about it, the character Emily Browning character perhaps unnecessarily slowed things down and bringing in a human touch. Helgeland is still good at his job, but can do better. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Legend is the only movie in which you will see Tom Hardy at a gay party, spanking a naked twink’s posterior with a carpet beater. The “gayness” of one of the brothers is also the cause of the funniest scene in the film (the first encounter with Las Vegas mafioso Chazz Palminteri). This is a fun gangster movie, standing more on a cool double role than on a dramaturgical storyline. The relationship between the brothers and the difference Hardy has mastered so well drive the film forward. I was also pleased with the depiction of the London retro-world through the lens of American gangster movies (Scorsese). The other half of the movie could have been accelerated, but I’m still giving it the fourth star, because I enjoyed exploring the diversity of Hardy’s double creation more than I expected. ()



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englanti Organized crime in the USA had its golden years during the Prohibition era, while British organized crime had its most famous period in the 1950s and 1960s when London temporarily became the center of the world. The center of attention for tabloids and the public became the unmistakable Kray twins, who not only filled the pages dedicated to criminal offenses but also influenced fashion and socialized with showbiz stars. This is already the second film attempting to portray their life stories, and it must be said that Brian Helgeland managed to extract more than his predecessors. However, there is a problem from the audience's perspective - the film somewhat misleads them. The beginning follows a Tarantino-like style, and after the twins massacre a rival gang in an emotional collaboration, it seems like it will be a bloody and suspenseful ride. However, the film subsequently turns into a psychological drama, where one of the brothers' partners comes to terms with the knowledge that she has aligned her life with a sociopath, whose twin is a pure psychopath. It basically addresses the issue of Mrs. Schroeder from Atlantic City Mafia, who gets involved in a love affair with mafia boss Thompson and becomes entangled in the center of organized crime, fighting an endless battle between her conscience and her value system against the environment that surrounded her. The film is shot beautifully as a retro from the 1960s, showing that British cinematography is very capable. Many genre fans might sigh at the fact that the storyline following the Krays' growth, their domination of new neighborhoods, and the cleansing of the city from competition would be much more appealing to the audience. Overall impression: 80%. Tom Hardy lived up to expectations with his dual role. It may not be a big hit and will not rank high in the genre, but it has its good qualities. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Tom Hardy felt like a dual role and a dual role he got. And truth be told, he did a more-or-less good job portraying the two brothers, who are both criminals and who are each a little different. It’s a pity that the movie only starts getting really interesting once their entire empire begins to crumble apart. At that point, Legend capitalized on the entire story, which was otherwise not that interesting, and the movie prepared a rather tragic unravelling of the plot. And that was good. Mainly because the story was written by life itself. I actually felt really sad at the end of the movie about the human tragedy. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Compared to Johnny Depp, this is a routine, boring and uninteresting gangster flick with only Tom Hardy's double act being interesting. There's more romance than action, people don't die much here, and Hardy is more likely to settle disputes with his brother instead of acting like a gangster and settling disputes in the city. Visually, the film also left me cold. This missed me. 50% ()

Kuvagalleria (52)