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Mysteerivirus pääsee valloilleen syrjäisessä alakoulussa muuttaen lapset julmaksi petolaumaksi. Epätodennäköisen sankarin tulee johtaa kirjavaa ryhmää opettajia, jotka taistelevat hengestään. (Universal Sony Pictures HE Fin.)

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Arvostelut (5)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti From the writers of the horror franchises Saw and Insidious and the television comedy hit Glee, Cooties is a horror comedy about an elementary school where children turn into bloodthirsty monsters and features a bunch of famous faces from popular films and TV series. Unfortunately, the result of this seemingly ideal recipe for a perfect movie is a mediocre and paradoxically unoriginal product. Every minute of the movie is marked by a conspicuous construct and an attempt at would-be non-conformity, as the teachers massacre the children, but everything is done at the level of maximum accessibility, predictability and tedium. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti This wasn’t even a B-movie but a C-movie with bad horror film clichés and cringe humor. I enjoyed all of it. I switched off most of my brain and enjoyed this weird mess from start to finish. I wish there were more unpretentious movies like this one. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Cooties is simply a horror comedy with zombies the way I imagine it. Well, okay, maybe they're not exactly zombies, but just sick children, but that's perfectly fine. It suits the genre well and it's funny. It follows the rules and manages to be at least as original as possible. This is something I have to highlight at all costs, because there just aren't many good horror comedies. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti It's nice to see Elijah Wood go from a grand fantasy trilogy to the horror genre immediately, and it suits him very well. He excelled in Maniac, here he's more of a goofball, even dropping a reference to Lord of the Rings, but he is entertaining mouth, no doubt. Cooties stands out mainly because of its original idea where only children can be zombies. However, I was rather disappointed by the make-up effects, the zombie kids have a bit of red paint on their faces and that's it. There is also some gore, but except for a few scenes it look slightly artificial. The wisecracks work occasionally, the character of the gym teacher, Elijah and the weirdo are perfect, the rest is just horror standard. I had fun, but it was only going half throttle in every attribute. Story 6/10, Atmosphere 5/10, Gore 6/10, Visuals 6/10, Action 7/10, Entertainment 7/10% ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti If the creators had worked a bit harder on the make-up of the infected kids to make them look sicker and scarier, the film would have been more effective, but other than that, it’s the ideal horror comedy. Very competently shot with a good cast and a funny script. I wouldn’t mind a sequel with these characters. ()

Kuvagalleria (38)