
Chef Hassan Haji kertoo elämänsä tarinaa, joka tulvii eksoottisia tuoksuja ja veden kielelle tuovia makuelämyksiä. Kertomus kulkee Mumbaista Pariisiin, isoisän vaatimattomasta ravintolasta haute cuisinen korkeimmalle tasolle. Perhe joutuu lähtemään juuriltaan ja päätyy syrjäiseen ranskalaiskylään, jonne he perustavat paikkakunnan ensimmäisen intialaisen ravintolan. Vastapäisen gourmet-ravintolan omistaja, kopea Madame Mallory (Helen Mirren), käynnistää huimat mittasuhteet saavuttavan kulinaarisen sodan. Täältä alkaa Hassanin matka Pariisin ravintolaelämän huipulle. Menestyksen aineksiin kuuluu myös monta mitallista yllättäviä käänteitä ja kirpaisevia tappioita. (Nordisk Film Fin.)


Videot (21)

Traileri 1

Arvostelut (4)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti If the film were significantly shorter and didn't resemble Chocolat in its setting, it would be a truly beautiful celebration of food. As it is, it's still a celebration of food, especially my beloved Indian cuisine, but at the same time, it's a bit of a drawn-out romance and a demonstration that in the end, it doesn't matter much if you're not happy. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti It’s been a long time since I saw such an incredibly enjoyable movie as The Hundred-Foot Journey. From a xenophobic point of view, I have to praise the creators, because everyone here was really charismatic. And especially the Indian family, who didn’t hesitate to move into the house opposite a famous restaurant to open their own establishment there. It was all incredibly relaxing. Starting with the story, through the characters and ending with the filmmaking. And I really didn’t mind that the film was 122 minutes long. I enjoyed every minute and waited for what would come next, because the Indian audacity in that one small French village had taken my breath away. What I didn’t understand was the way how the French were portrayed in this film – especially somewhere in the middle of French vineyards in a village where it is difficult not to meet a French hillbilly. But strangely enough all the people there were speaking English. A bit of a mystery, that. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Three quarters of the film is shot like a margarine commercial, it takes seven thousand years, and the whole thing is as predictable as a pedophile in a sandbox. Food fetish (as opposed to foot fetish) is not a genre or a measure of a film's quality. And my Chinese soup agrees with me. PS: It would be great if Hallström would die already. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The whole film is one big attack on emotions, but we are already used to that with Lasse. A pleasant romantic comedy for Saturday evening with the repulsive Helen Mirren, nationalist Frenchmen, Canadian version of Winona Ryder in her heyday, and a successful Indian family. The pursuit of Michelin stars can sometimes really take thirty years, but the script deserved a little trimming, especially the last half an hour was unnecessarily lengthy when we all knew how it would end. ()

Kuvagalleria (85)