
  • Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta Locke
Traileri 1


Rakennusinsinööri Ivan Locke vastaa työssään suurten arkkitehtonisten rakennelmien perustusten valamisesta ja on luonteeltaan yhtä luotettava, järkähtämätön ja vakaa kuin betoni, jota hän valaa työkseen. Kymmenen vuoden ajan hän on kasvattanut mainettaan kunnioitettuna ammattilaisena ja rakastettuna isänä ja aviomiehenä. Uransa huippuhetkeä edeltävänä iltana seuraamme kun Ivan ajaa Walesista Lontooseen ja todistamme miten yksi virhe saa hänen tähän saakka täydellisen hallitun elämänsä murenemaan hitaasti ja täydellisesti palasiksi. (SF Film Fin.)


Videot (7)

Traileri 1

Arvostelut (12)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Locke comes across as if you were filming, in real time with hidden cameras, the car ride of a man on the telephone dealing with a tricky life situation that could turn his successful professional and personal life upside down in the course of a single night. It is a situation that tests him on the character level, shaped by his difficult childhood, and on the professional level, in maintaining ambition in his responsibility for successfully carrying through an important social cause. It is also as if he is a charismatic man whose emotions and dilemmas you understand and sympathize with. Then all you have to do is edit it down to a smoothly running 85 minutes and you have a gripping study of a superbly played film character. Not everyone will understand that character and not everyone would behave like him, and the film is thus also an interesting test of the viewer’s hierarchy of values. Life can be a dog, but it only takes a few tricks to make an excellent film. If you know how. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Imagine a movie that takes place in a car and it has a single character whom you watch for the entire hour and a half. I can’t help but be happy with the result, because Tom Hardy delivered a great performance. Steven Knight, in turn, did a great job directing this movie so I was on tenterhooks the entire time, bating my breath and wondering how easy it is to mess up your entire life. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The thriller label that Filmbooster and IMBD gave to Locke generates the wrong expectations. I waited pretty long for those family and work phone calls to be interrupted by some extortionist or psychopath who would terrorise the protagonist over the phone. Yet, to my surprise, nobody like that called and the entire film stayed with the work and family calls. But it wasn’t boring even for a second, which must be credited to all interested parties. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A road movie with a depressing aftertaste. Hardy and his BMW never leave the screen and just watching the suffering in the face of the former is worth it. A self-confident person slips slowly into being a mental wreck, but you don’t find out if he goes over the edge until the end. One mistake, one road, one bad day. Donald, don’t trust God when it comes to concrete! ()

Kuvagalleria (52)